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Player Connects Cause Server Lag


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Are you noticing it as a client or from the server itself (hitch warning in the console)? If it's just as a client, try setting this in your client config:


seta cg_deferPlayers "1"


What that does is make it so that you don't load new skins/models that a player may be using when they join and instead wait for the end of a round or until you hit the tab key to show the scores. When set, you'll notice a quit bit of lag, but at least you can decide when it happens.

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ah, interesting...


yes, i notice it as a client when playing on my box. is there any way to force this command from server-side to all the clients who connect to my server?


i ask because other people notice this player connect lag as well, and while setting that client command would work for me, everyone else who does not have this set would still notice the lag.

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