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single player skins


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1. It's not supported. There used to be a command called allowIllegalSkins, but it's not in this game. You could try to do it by editing your assets0.pk3. Good luck.


2. Completely? No. You can try 'cg_draw2D 0' to get rid of the fancy effects, though the weapons will still show up on the bottom when you change. It's a lot less irritating. However, you'll lose your HUD and crosshair as well.

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thanks for the reply


just downloaded a couple of new skins, one, (dark jedi kyle) comes in both sp an mp pk3's, the readme says just place the sp version in the base directory and it will override the sp kyle model, in game the skin doesnt appear and i get the message cannot find shader for ....


RE: editing the asset0.pk3 file, is it just a case of renaming it to a zip file and overriding the kyle model files with the new ones?

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