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How to compile a BSP File


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Hi all,


Ok Ok I think I figured it out. You must run BSP twice to create a BSP file. I have no idea why; perhaps it has to do with win xp. Here is what I needed to do in order to creat a BSP file.



1) Save the file in Radiant to your maps folder


2) select a bsp option and run it


3) a dialog box will appear; minimize it (don't close it)


4) Run the same BSP option again and a BSP file will be created.


Then in JKII


open the console (shift ~) and type


set sv_pure 0

devmap mymapname




and all should work


If anyone knows why BSP must be run twice, I'd like to hear about it.

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It does work! You do have to save the BSP twice!

Thanks a lot MH, you've done me a GREAT help.


Only problem is I crammed at least 4 shadowtroopers into one little room, and I'm dead in like 3 seconds. I'll just replace them with StormTroopers!


Thanks again.

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