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"You came in that piece of junk? Your braver than I thought."


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Okay first of all heres a new screen of evryones favourite hunk of junk sitting in the hangar. Its not quite finished yet.




I've scaled it so it looks about the right size compared to kyle but the only problem is there is no way I can fit the insides into the ship. The falcon is like a tardis :)


So should I have essentially a decorative ship that looks the right size or a larger ship that you can go inside?


I also tried using a mirrored surface on the floor but none of the mirrored surfaces I tried worked, they all caused hom.

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teleporters where used in quake 3, cant you use a teleporter so that when a player runs up the ramp they are teleported to the insides of the ship? - maybe it wouldnt have to be directly as the players run up the ramp, you could have it a little further back so that players could still use the ramp area to stage fire fights.

Anyway its just a suggestion but I'm not a mapper.


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Great job, surman!


How much bigger do you think you'll have to make it to fit the insides? If it's not too much bigger, I say go for it. :)




Oh, and regarding your shiny floor problem, some floors use portals to make a real reflection of the things around them. In that case, you should put a misc_portalsurface on top of the floor, and it should function as a mirror. However, that will effectively double the polys drawn in your map, and most likely make it unplayable. I'd look for a shader that just uses the 'enviro' command. That makes the floor look glossy, but it won't actually reflect anything.

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***"It's not my fault! It's not my fault!" -Han Solo, Lando, ...lol...just about every character in SW has said this.***


Except Vader.


But I always thought it would have been funny to hear him say.


"And I would have gotten away with it too. If it wasnt for those meddling kids and their Wookie"


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Haven't had time to really recheck the thing, BUT isn't there a diagram of the falcons interior in the Technical Journal?

So theoretically you COULD get everything inside. What's the problem then, are the gangways too narrow? Really hadn't time to recheck it, so please don't hurt me ;)

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Wow! Kudos!


The cockpit does look a little bigger in scale compared to the rest of the ship. But hey, at least it ain't too small - like those cheap-o Falcon model kits. Man, I lothe the person who was in charge of scaling that piece of garbage...


Great, great map so far, dude. Can't wait 'til you texture it.


If you wanna teleport, maybe you can keep the in-door airlock closed. Once the player teleports in, it opens up to the inside of the ship.

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There are so many problems with the Falcon, it's hard to know where to start :) First, the ship isn't thick enough vertically to accomodate the cargo-hold set, let alone the engineering pit, the ceiling crawlspace Chewie was working in, the gun tube and turrets, or the smuggling compartments. Second, if you look at the cockpit from Empire in the exterior shots at Hoth (like when Chewie's inside and Han's outside working on the hull-right before it goes "boom"), you'll notice the "full-scale" Falcon they built is actually more like 2/3 scale. Chewie almost takes up the entire cockpit by himself. Just plain doesn't fit the interior sets. Third, if you calculate out the curve of the interior tunnels, you'll find that they should keep curving right through the hull...the radius is too large to fit. There's more, I know, but I'm forgetting it.

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He's right.


SW was a movie, so they used movie tricks. One of those was different sets for the exterior and interior of various ships. In other words, don't worry if the scale outside the ship isn't "exact"; it's more important from a gameplay perspective that players can enter the ship. This being a game, you shouldn't ignore gameplay considerations. ;)

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Originally posted by FuShanks

He's right.


SW was a movie, so they used movie tricks. One of those was different sets for the exterior and interior of various ships.


They did the same thing in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Two of the main characters use a land roaming vehicle called the "Quatro". It basically resembles a pressurized version of a Lunar Roaver.


Even with their advanced computer animation and scaling properties, the team had to use a different interrior set that was actually twice the size of the Quatro itself!


But I'm sure you've heard the term, "It looks bigger on the inside."

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Even with their advanced computer animation and scaling properties, the team had to use a different interrior set that was actually twice the size of the Quatro itself!

Dont get me STARTED on all the problems in FF:TSW, my favorite was that even with their ultra advanced collision detectio nand inverse kinematics theres still a part where the generals hand goes through his jacket. I also swear that I saw a bone (thats a 3d bone, not an actual bone) come out of Akis ass at the end.

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{xg}darthVADER: Patience it'll be sent soon :)


The real reason is that my comp got one of those annoying email viruses, and I'm not sending any mail until I've updated my anti-virus software and made sure its gone from my comp.


I've done more work on other areas of the DS, I'll be posting screens in a few days.

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