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Dark Jedi????


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Hey guys, in the game the bad guys are the dark jedi, but i always thought there were only two sides,


(good) Jedi and (evil) Sith


So im wondering is Dark jedi is just another name for Sith.

Or are those guys something else??

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Guest HertogJan

Originally, the Sith were a race, with a high amount of medi-chlorians (or simething like that) in their blood.


Then, some dark jedi (people who were Jedi but have fallen to the dark side) discovered the planet of the sith. The sith treated them like gods, and picked up their way of living. From that day on, sith were the sworn enemies of the Jedi...


That's about what I know about it, check for info @ http://www.starwars.com

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Originally posted by colonel_stryker

So while all Sith are Dark Jedi, few Dark Jedi are Sith.


Not right, i think you are saying the same thing


It should be 'Dark Jedi can be Sith, but Sith don't have to be Dark Jedi'


Darth Sidious and Darth Maul were not fallen Jedi (and neither more generations before them)


Even if you are refering to the fact that there can be only two Sith Lords each time...

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Originally posted by Xerxes603

:confused: :confused: um...i would say since they all use the dark side of the force...they are dark jedi. But i will have to agree with HertogJan on this one. But the empire (bad guys) just happens to be one of the factions in the star wars universe.

but look, the name dark jedi already implies that they have been jedis. jedi doesn't simply mean to be a good guy, it's a whole way of living, including codes and stuff.

thus, siths dont have to be dark jedis since they were never trained in the jedi arts, but in the sith arts

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Dark Jedi = Lesser evil

Sith Lord = Greater evil


You can be a Dark Jedi without being a Jedi at first, Sariss and Yun and all them were not Jedi's to begin with yet htey were considered Dark Jedi.


I think there is certain 'powers, artifacts' that a Sith Lord gets, also 'certain TRAINING' that even though a Dark Jedi is evil, he will never know all that a Sith lord does, or have the power of one.


As of yet Kyle hasn't taken out a Sith Lord. Only Dark Jedi.


But the one person was right, there was a race Called Sith, and the dark Jedi found the planet and were considered gods, yet hte Sith were very powerful in the force just didn't use it the same way Jedi did. After a few centuries Sith and Dark Jedi breeding just made them all one.. Sith. With different arts, training, artifacts to control amplify they're powers. The Jedi knights wiped most of teh Sith out except for Darth Bane, who started the only maximum of 2 at a time for secrecy so that the Jedi would have a harder time wiping them out.


So Dark Jedi are evil and don't have to be Jedi's to begin with, but they are Jedi just dark =p . and Sith Lords don't have to be Jedi either, I'm sure there is point in training when they are considered Dark Jedi only, then move up to Sith Lord after years of training.

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You can be a Dark Jedi without being a Jedi at first, Sariss and Yun and all them were not Jedi's to begin with yet htey were considered Dark Jedi.


They aren't, actually, according to the rules of Jedi as set up by the films, considered to be Dark Jedi, and it doesn't make sense for them to be--a Jedi is a very specific title, not given to anyone who uses the Force, so to be a Dark Jedi you would have to be a Jedi first.


A Dark Jedi is not less than a Sith, except that everyone knows about a Dark Jedi, whereas a Sith has more mystery to him (or her). A Dark Jedi could be stronger or weaker than a Sith just like any other Jedi.

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Actually, I don't think Darth Bane was a Sith in the classic sense. As far as I know, the last Sith Lord died out some 4000 years before the movies take place with Ulic-Qel Droma. None of the Sith Lords of ancient times had the Darth surname. You had Naga Sadow, Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun and Droma to name a few. These were true Sith Lords, taught the magic of the Sith people and given control of them. The last of the Sith (called the Massassi, by that time) were wiped out by a Republic strikeforce that wiped out the Massassi population of Yavin IV along with Exar Kun who was able to trap his spirit in the very stones of the Great Massassi Temple.


Something like 2000 years later, a Dark Jedi named Bane began the Sith brotherhood. They were not real Dark Lords of the Sith, but a cult of extreemist Dark Jedi who took the name. They wiped out themselves and a large army of Jedi, all but Bane and his apprentice. Bane made the rule that there could be only two, because more would cause a struggle for power that could destroy the Sith brotherhood. Now we have Sith Lords with the Darth surname, Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Tyranus...

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Sink ur teeth into this guys, Ill just fuel the argument :)



An ancient order of Force-practitioners devoted to the dark side and determined to destroy the Jedi, the Sith were a menace long thought extinct. The current incarnation of the Sith is the result of a rogue Jedi dissident from the order. Two thousand years ago, this Jedi had come to the understanding that the true power of the Force lay not through contemplation and passivity. Only by tapping its dark side could its true potential be gained. The Jedi Council at the time balked at this new direction. The Dark Jedi was outcast, but he eventually gained followers to his new order. Awakening beliefs from the dark past, the new Sith cult continued to grow. With the promise of new powers attainable by tapping into the hateful energies of the dark side, it was only a matter of time before the order self-destructed. Internecine struggle by power-hungry Sith practioners dwindled their numbers.


One Sith had the cunning to survive. Darth Bane restructured the cult, so that there could only be two -- no more, no less -- a master, and an apprentice. Bane adopted cunning, subterfuge, and stealth as the fundamental tenets of the Sith order. Bane took an apprentice. When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice.


Thus, the Sith quietly continued for centuries, until the time of Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Maul. By that time, the galaxy at large had believed the Sith to be extinct, a fabled threat from the past. Qui-Gon Jinn's report of a Sith attack on Tatooine was met by the Jedi Council with hesitation and skepticism. Surely if the Sith had returned, the Jedi would have detected it, they reasoned.


The dark side, for all its power, is ultimately hard to detect when required. A shadowy master like Darth Sidious was able to keep his presence a secret, even when sharing a world with the Jedi Temple.


With the death of Darth Maul at Naboo, the Jedi Council realized that the Sith menace was true. What they hadn't puzzled was whether Maul was the master, or the apprentice. Years would pass before the Sith menace arose once more, a menace that would eventually come to engulf the entire galaxy.

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that's interesting indeed,


So actually Darth Vader (anakin skywalker) isn't a sith after all. Because he had jedi training and then fall to the dark side. do he is a dark jedi.


And i understand what darth maul meant in Episode I by saying: " finally we reveal ourselves to the jedi, finally we will have our revenge".


Cause the jedi and the republic wiped out al the sith,they wiped out the republic and the jedi.

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So actually Darth Vader (anakin skywalker) isn't a sith after all. Because he had jedi training and then fall to the dark side. do he is a dark jedi.

Darth Vader is indeed a Sith, though not a Sith in the ancient sense of the word (although in one of the books, it said that Anakin came into contact with the spirit of Exar Kun, but that's not likely to be confirmed in the canon). He is a member of the Sith cult, the apprentice of Sidious. He could be called a Fallen Jedi, a Dark Jedi--but he is undenyably a Sith.

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Hmm, Dark Jedi is EU? Lets see, canonically that would mean that turning to dark side would make a jedi sith. According to the rule of 2 there can be only 2 sith at any given time, and if there already is 2 sith, none can fall to the dark side.... except by killing a sith, maybe. I don't think that makes much sense. Even if you ignore the EU (which I don't, I love EU), it would be logical to acknowledge at least the possibility of dark jedi.


My approach to the semantics is this:

Darksider: Any force sensitive that has fallen to dark side, including dark jedi and sith.

Dark Jedi: A jedi who has fallen to dark side, or possibly a darksider who has gotten jedi training.

Sith: A darksider that follows the sith tradition. Also, the now extinct sith race.


As for Darth Vader being sith or not, I'd say that as soon as he started to study sith arts and became Sidious'/Emperor's apprentice, he became a sith. If he turned to the dark side before that, then he could have been considered a dark jedi during that time. We'll see how the exact sequence of events are. As for Vader coming into contact with Exar Kun, I only remember Exar Kun masquarading as Vader to lie Luke about it. Remember that Exar Kun was dormant on Yavin 4 until Luke foolishly brought a bunch of force sensitives there and woke him up. 4000 years can be a long wait.


For the sith tradition of naming themselves "Darth Surname" my interpretation is this: Before the battle of Ruusan, there was several subtraditions, including Darth Bane's that had this way of naming themselves. After the battle, Bane's was the only surviving sith tradition so all the sith after that naturally had Darth in their names.


Hmm, the longer I post, the more incoherent I get... better stop now.

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