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System´s you were playing with!!


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Hi all !!!


Im still waiting for my own Copy of JKO!


I know, the game is gone gold a time ago, but its the problem with the Pocket money.


I play the game at serval Play Houses , an enjoj it much!


Well the days, to getting the money are close, but i dont know if my little sucker of a Computer, can handle it.

And I aint got the bandwidth to get an demo if it will be relased one day.


It would be really cool if you Boys and Girls out there would post me your Systems configs....and experiance....

...so i can get some insight.

Sure i read this on the Game Box but .....





Maby this topic is as stupid as me and will be closed fast, but hey its me i'm a Pit Droid !!!!


Thanks ....and Peace





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I have an AMD XP1500, 256 DDR Ram, and a Geforce 4 ti4400


I get about 90 FPS with everything cranked up.


I do get some wierd graphical errors when loading saved games and sometimes when I load up MP, but Im pretty sure it is something to do with me GeForce card.

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Originally posted by Usurper

I have an AMD XP1500, 256 DDR Ram, and a Geforce 4 ti4400


I get about 90 FPS with everything cranked up.


I do get some wierd graphical errors when loading saved games and sometimes when I load up MP, but Im pretty sure it is something to do with me GeForce card.


You should be getting more than 90 FPS. There's a command line switch that sets the limit to 90 by default (I forget the command, but I know I changed mine).


My AMD XP1700, 512 DDR, Radeon 8500 was getting 90 FPS until I raised the limit to 200, now I'm getting anywhere between 90-150 depending on the effects/action/ enemies, etc...


Further, this game loads S-L-O-W, no matter what uber-system you have.

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System Specs:


P-4 1700 mhz

GeForce 2 MX200



I'm getting about 80 FPS, due to the crappy (really!) video card and the fact that i need more RAM, but it's still very smooth.

Only slow down I'm getting is at the Swamps, in which I have to turn down the resolution.

All of the details maxed btw.

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Originally posted by Usurper

If you figure out how to set the FPS cap, please post it.

Because I do infact get 90FPS all the time, no matter what.

Much appreciated.


i think the proper command for changing the FPS cap is "com_maxfps". but of course, i could be mistaken

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heyas USurper the command is seta_maxfps "an reasonable numer" If you do set this very high the game never tries to drop details on maps that do slow your FPS down. For instance you might be able to crank out 200 FPS in Yavin but not in Bespin but the game will try to push it to 200 and might result in some errors (in the form of graphical glitches).


BTW to the original poster. I got..


Pentium III@1 ghx

256meg PC133

Soundblaster live

Maxtor UDMA 66 40 gig drive

Alton m790 motherboard

Geforce2 MX400 (64meg)



and I ran the game in 1024x768 with 16bit textures and color depth, medium settings. And I average 40 FPS on most maps in mutliplayer.


I hope the info helps people.

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I was running jk2 with a 500mhz celeron 192 megs of ram voodoo 3 comp and had to set all the graphics on low for it to work decent, but it did work although on levels like yavin and bespin the sky was dark. I went and built an athlon 2100, geforce 4, 512 megs of ram, and all of a sudden those levels had daylight and i could run the game with all the settings as high as they could go.

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Athlon 600 mhz, Geforce256DDR, 256 Mb Ram.


A little on the low side :p but it actually runs JKII quite well, I can leave everything on at 1024x768 except for 32bit textures and it is very playable. The swamp levels are a different story however, but not unbearable.

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AMD athlon xp 1700

128mb sdram

geforce2 mx200



-runs the game smoothly at high settings......except for

the swamp stage, where lowering the resolution fixes that prob.


-also i turned down the texture resolution/detail from very high to high, there's such a HUGE difference in LOAD TIMES

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384 MB PC100 SDRAM

Geforce 256 DDR

Turtle Beach Santa Cruz Sound

Win 98SE


Pacbell DSL


Every once in a while I get graced with a slide show.... usually when someone is Drain-spamming.



Upgrade is coming.... any day now... honest...

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Lessee here...


AMD Duron 900 MHz


GeForce 2 MX400 64 MB

Hercules Fortissimo II PCI Audio Card

Windows XP Pro

ATT Broadband Cable


With all details cranked up at 800x600x32, I normally get around 60-70 FPS, except in the later Yavin levels, where I get 30-40. Hope this helps you out a bit. :)

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i dont get that hole "i got this and this fps"


anything above 35 frames per seccond cant be seen by the human eye anyway?


a dvd movie run at about 30fps


so, what if you get 150fps, you cant tell the difference anyway..


am i missing something here?

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That's not true actually. I read in a post somewhere around here that directs you to an article saying how 30 fps is good for movies because of things like motion blur but for video it is necessary to have more like 60 fps to be truly smooth to the eye.

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