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Taunting In Multiplayer Pls Help!

Silver Surfer

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Yo howzit guys, man in multiplayer i have learned how to bind taunt to a key ex: (bind t +taunt) in console, but each player has his own different taunt and i want a specific one. In console if i just type taunt, it comes up with invalid cmd taunt at above says soem other taunt commands like tauntTaunt, tauntGauntlet, tauntPraise and so on and so on, but when i try to bind these taunts it won't let me for example: bind t +tauntGauntlet then when i press t for taunt it say tauntGauntlet invalid cmd so what i want to know here is how to bind those taunts properly in console thx can someone help me thx cheers. Wait one more thing can u guys tell me where and how to put those pictures under yr names, cause in other posts i see the guys name and underneath a picture to resemble him how do u put that there thx cheers.

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Umm... each player character has specific taunts for them. You can't really make new ones without making a new character or patch.


I didn't totally understand you (try some spacing and punctuation. ;) ), but did you say you were able to get the 'tauntPraise' to work by typing it in the console? Where did you get that command?


And that picture is called an 'avatar' you can set it up in your user control panel. See the button labeled 'User CP' all the way at the top of the board.

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To get your pic under your name:


1. Sign in (log on... whatever...)

2. Click on the button at the top of the screen that says f.a.q.

3. Under the heading "User Maintenance" (the first area), click "How do I get a picture under my username?"

4. Follow the instructions. There's even a way to add your own custom one (keep the file size small, please).

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OK dude thx for ur help guys but to answer the other guy , Ok look i know each player has his own taunt ok. To bind a key to taunt in game in multiplayer, u must type bind t +taunt ok and thats binds t to taunt for the specific player u have chosen ok. But when in console i just type taunt, thats all taunt and then it shows other taunt commands like tauntPraise and other the other ones i talked about before ok. So now that i see those i want to bind them to a key but for some reason the normal bind t +tauntPraise command doesn't work. So what i want to know is how to bind those different taunt commands to a key in multiplayer ok, so now i hope u understand ok.

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I looked at the files from the asset0 and asset1 .pk3 files.

There I found the sound files for each player, and there is only one sound for the taunt, the taunt.mp3.

So I think there are no other taunts, maybe they are just left from EF or Q3 and disabled in JO.

If you like you could try to make some new sounds like tauntPraise.mp3 and try the command again, but I don't think this will work. I am not really familiar with Q3 engine games, I am just getting into it. That's why I can't say for sure.

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