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Jedi Academy


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I have heard people saying things like, where is the Jedi Academy Mod's Site


We are instructors who teach players and train them to become better and more skilled in the game of Jedi Outcast.

If you are reffering to mod as moderator, then please fully type out moderator.


PS. Those sabers, I am not posting pics, and no it isnt Parks Sabers, it will just make it so much more exciting when you see it on the Jedi Academy site. They are the jedi academy official sabers (we will also have contests where you can win one of the sabers, maybe even the double bladed one! Sound good?)

Also, you internet-wizs could just go to the properties of the picture, and check where it came from, so I am not posting it, you will have to wait :-P

Alright , BTW, I just wanna train a few people in a few sessions maybe tommorow or sometime. Just to see how the community will react, and what Im goin have to look forward to LOL (mean that in a good way)

Alright laters all.


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Hmm, oh well. Thought that it would be good to have some kind of misty, purple site like the clouds. It would look like it was the cloud layers with that banner being the part that reached the open air. Ah well, never mind :(

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I really don't understand what's the BIG deal with this Jedi Academy thingy. As far as im concerned, its just a website sprouting real good s**t and i really think the owners of that site should be grateful that someone bothered to make for them something. NOw Dun Flame me for this, im just giving my thoughts...no offense to them though, they rock...

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hey, whaddup.


i'd like to try out.

perhaps even be an instructor.


if there's any questions you'd like to ask, feel free to reply to this thread.


if you want to test me, i'm okay with that too.



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Alright, no flames take, I do rally appreciate the offer on the banner, just my webmaster has taken hours, and it would be to hard to redo the site, well, just get in contact with me, my AIM (Aol Instant Messanger) name is: Goldarmor7

Get in contact with me sometime. BTW, Anyone who could make a sort of picture, I really need help, if your interested, catch me on AIM, and Ill tell you the details.

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