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Aspects Of Different Lightsaber Stances


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I was playing a bunch of duel games today, and I found the 3 different stances to be unique.


Light Stance



Good for a surprise attack, infinite combos, and to push the enemy back. Also good for taking out an enemy with low health.



Moves and slices upwards-forwards.

This is a great move: it does good damage; and most of the time is not expected.



Doesn't do much damage, sometimes hard to hit people cause you’re spinning madly around.



Medium Stance



The medium stance gives good damage for its speed, which is pretty good (compared to heavy stance). All round good stance.



Jumps and swings downward.

I don't like this special because of its long recovery. I have dealt tons of damage to people who are recovering from this move.



Debatable, but I'd say the special is its weak spot.



Heavy Stance



TONS of damage! Great for tight areas and noobs ;).



Jumps and does overhead slash.

This is the “Death from above” move. One hit kills. I find it quite effective and fun actually, unless it is done hundreds of times non-stop.



Doesn’t work too well on cowards or people who roll a lot. Big recovery.


The strategy I found best was to switch stances frequently.


Whadaya think?

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nice...nice. Now i gotta figure out what button changes stance...hehe. I usually just stick with medium...and if im bored i go to heavy and spam "death from above" its hilarious. I remember one guy i did it to was soooo pissed...after a while though the other people were like :snear: but its all in good fun :rofl:

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I've taken to using exclusively Medium stance (switching to hard during a saber block because if I win and throw the person back, there's a good chance of a one-hit kill). Basically, anything Light Stance can do, Medium can do better. Two-hit kills are possible, you're not open for as long as with Heavy Stance (if you know when to stop swinging). You can get under the defenses of someone using Heavy Stance, and you can easily block Light Stance since its range is so short.

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