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***~help Now!~***

Yautja Reborn

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I've ransacked about every JK II site and i am going insane! I need you people to tell me how i can use downloaded MP skins in SP. Is there a console command or some garbage like that? I used Winzip on the .PK3 files and i meesed around but i have no idead what to do. If u know please give me a DETAILED explanation on how to do this. This may help in the production of an SP/MP mod so help will be appreciated!


-Yautja Reborn

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I think that you have to actually find a way to replace the default skin. Someone found a way to do it with Desann... you might want to check on jkii for that file and hack through it to see how it was done. It shouldn't involve any extreme measures... the textures and other files are already in your assets0 file.

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Hey there Yautja Reborn...

Got just what u need. I can make any MP skin work in SP and also do other stuff....

But lets concentrate on what u need at the moment.

Just reply here what skin u want as SP on what NPC and if so where I can find the specific skin.

Or simply email me and tell me your wants and needs =))




Im trying to help out as many I can so just gimme stuff to do.


Oh, btw, I cant do maps.... yet =)

Been concentrating on scripting/skinning/animation modifying etc....


Hope I can help ya out =)


Take care

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