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Someone Please Help Me This Time!!! I Cant Bsp Mah Map!!


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Im going to go nuts here, I gotta do my homework but I gotta play my map, how in hell do you use the freakn bsp? It loads up sof2map thingy and it just has all these illegual operation error and doesn't work. Can someone PLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP MEEE!!! :( :( :( :(

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When you compile your map, where is the .map file located? In your 'base' folder, under maps? That is where it should be.

If it isn't in there, find it and copy it to the maps folder, then the bsp program should work. It will create a .bsp file alongside the .map file in the maps folder.

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all right. I'm starting to get a little pissed. I'm getting a GPF in Kernel32.Dll. the output Error I'm getting is the following:


SetQdirFromPath: no'base' in |e (happy face)


I have a feeling that mean I've got the path set up wrong, but I have no idea what the **** |e(happyface) means. BTW that e should have a ^ over it. thanks you.

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I'm having the same problem making the .bsp file. I'm sure I'm making an idiotic mistake, but I can't figure it out at all. I already fixed the path problems (and got my entities list), made the start points, lights, etc... all that's left is getting it to bsp so I can test it in the game. I'm running Windows XP Professional on an Athlon 1.4 w/ 512 MB ram and a MSI G4MX440 (geforce4 mx 440) :mad:

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Make sure you're saving your maps in /base/maps


That will fix it.


It didn't create a .bsp file for me either(at least I didn't see it)I just loaded MP JK2, pulled down the console, did /devmap filename(no extension needed) and it loaded fine. I did all the default installation settings, if that helps.

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Create a batfile that contains this (providing you installed the game on your c-drive) :


C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -bsp -samplesize 32 C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\\base/maps/duel_wls2.map

C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -vis -fast C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\\base/maps/duel_wls2.map

C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\\sof2map -light -extra -samplesize 32 C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\\base/maps/duel_wls2.map


As you can see, the map must be in gamedata\base\maps


Try if this works.

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just wanna say thanx for helping w/ the .map problem....


also, i wanna say that i was having a problem opening jk2radiant and i was getting errors...


but i deleted the files in my documents and it loaded right up.


it seems like jk2radiant doesnt like you saving ANY file out of the directory :mad:


"May the Sith be with you" :fett:


Sithmaster Goz

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Figured this out the hard way:


sof2map is a dos-based program. You can't use file names with spaces or file names longer than 8 chars when you save your .map file. Mine was "First Room.map," but that wouldn't compile. I just saved it as First_rm.map and it works fine.

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Nope, still getting these annoying Illegual operation crap :(


I have my Tools folder with jk2radiant in my gamedata folder

I have the maps folder in the base dir

I saved my file as test



I don't think I did anything to mess it up

Hmm.. it seems to load something called qe3bsp2 in my windows temp folder is this wrong? It might be because I had to manually extract the files with winzip when I got it


Okay, this is the 3rd time I edited this message, one more thing though, in the thing at the bottom of jk2radiant it says


Running bsp command...






C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\TOOLS\\sof2map -light C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\\base/maps/test.map



Run time was 0 hours, 0 minutes and 6 seconds


Is there anything that might point out why Im having this error in there?

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