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ALL SP Map makers!!


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Hello, to all that make single player maps, i was just thinking, maybe you should make a mod that is based off the original star wars movies? starting from new hope, then finishing off at return of jedi.. i thinkt his woudl be a great idea, many people ahve mde maps from these movies alreayd,. maybe if u could donate them? and i could maybe make a few models(im not the ebst!) and skinners could donate their talents, and stuff, adn we woudl have a all round star wars mod....

just a siggestion.. .any takers on this???:confused:

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perhaps a series of map packs instead of a mod. additionally, many areas in the movies would not make the best maps. e.g. luke's home on tatooine. actually, that might make a rockin' dül map if you could get good boundaries w/o ruining the appearance.


anyway, perhaps you could do a smaller less complete map pack.



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Yeah, I had this idea already, along with several others.


There are some issues though.


First, you really need the sp source to make the levels new and interesting. eg) total conversion plus a small amount of new code. The chances of full source release are growing rather dim.


Second, while some parts of star wars trilogy would make excellent sp maps, eg) mos eisely, ds, hoth, bespin, jabbas palace, sarlacc, ds2. Alot of them would be hard to reproduce and stick even somewhat close to the storyline, eg) endor (try mapping that!), degobah, ect. And we all know what star wars fans'll do to ya if you make a tiny little change "bosk was never on cloud city, what shinanigans are these!"


If you can come up with an elegent solution and get some decent mappers + subsidiarys together, you'd have a great mod/tc/pc/whatever.



I'd love to help, but I'd like to be sold on the feasibility of it first.

(promising a jawa model would help consideribly"


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it would be more interesting to have a new character operating simultaneously to the trigoly methinks

sort of like how Shadows of the Empire expanded the Dash Rendar character and put his in familiar locales but with objectives not directly paralleling those of the movies


and P.S. I do believe Bossk was on Cloud City ;)

but he was put out of comission by Fett in the undercity

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i wasnt thinking on a single map area, i was thinkgin more on the lines of, main events in the movi... like instead of videos(since raven hasnt relased the tools to make ingame videos yet) could be comic book styled like max paybe, explaingin some things, like for example the intro could be like, a comic book styled thing, explaingin how vader came and took over leias ship of rebels att he begining of ANh, then you could play as rtd2 for a second, to get the plans fomr leia, then go to the escape pod, then again comics, untill u play role of skywalker, to go get your r2d2 back, blah blah.. i dont see why source would be requred, just maybe some more tools to allow missions etc(unless his can be done now..) i think it would be VERY interesting.. since there was really nogame based on an actual star wars move(s) where u walk around.. okey.. maybe1(episode1 game for pc/ps1) .. actually.. now i think about it.. that game was basicaly a remake of the mvoie..soemhting liekt hat using jk2 would be swweeeeeeeeet...

i know it would be alot of hard work, but im just syaing, lots of peopel have already made some of these maps, why not join them togethor, make this a comunity project, and u never know raven may relase some tools to make mission,a nd can add a full story to it, to go and do stuff(if uc ant now thta is..)

well.. im rambling on now.. ill stop.. but remember, if your making a sp map based on movies, dont quit! and it can be part of somehiting super! :D

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Heres a problem: You'd have to play Skywalker all the way through which means that you could depart from the star wars movie feel a little. Also, there would be no dark jedi but vader to face..... And there would be a few problems such as the space battles and anywhere skywalker doesnt figure. Also, what about his training on Dagobah? It would be hard to see how this could be done.

The only way I can see this working is to start the game at Hoth and start with a "vision" cutscene (cutscenes tools or ROQ tools as they are known are scheduled for release) and proceed through the battle of Hoth with no Force powers, to Dagobah. There you would learn how to use the Force and your saber along with Yoda for a while, then you would rush off to Cloud City. Coupla cloud city levels, then take on Vader with only minimum force powers. Thrown out of window, hand cut off, down the thingy shaft, rescued. You would then go to the medical ship - maybe then the Shadows of the Empire stuff could come in. After that (if it was included) you would do the whole Return of the Jedi thing, eventually fighting Vader and getting the final cutscene of the Emperor dying etc, and burning vaders body.

Having said all that, I like Mankacats idea of a new character working with the main characters - however, you couldnt be a Jedi for this one and I think thats a bad move for a mod. Also the suggestion of playing different characters was interesting but I think sticking with a single character works a lot better. I'm up for doing something like this though - no-one really replied to my posts on this topic. :(

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I'd like to see a series of SP maps consisting of duels only... the duels in the movies. You'd play as the guy who eventually wins the duel. You could have:

1. Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul from The Phantom Menace: (This could be done in two ways. Either play as Obi Wan the whole time with some kind of triggers for Qui-Gon's death, -or- first play as Maul, knock Obi off the bridge, battle Qui-Gon and win - then play as Obi Wan and finish Maul.)

2. Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader aboard the Death Star from A New Hope:

Simple, play as Vader, kick Obi-Wan's ass.

3. Luke vs. Darth Vader at Bespin from The Empire Strikes back:

Play as Vader, kick Luke's ass. (This one would be hard to do to match the movie, since the duelists move around so much - from the freezing chamber to the hallway to the catwalk.)

4. Luke vs. Darth Vader aboard the Death Star from The Return of the Jedi: Play as Luke, beat Vader, get shocked by the emperor. Vader throws emperor down the shaft.


Somebody made battles number 1 & 2 for the original Jedi Knight years ago. They were aaight, but the Phantom Menace one didn't really go like it did in the movie. Now, I know making the battles like the movies may be difficult, but you could have all kinds of triggers 'n checkpoints to make the AI enemy do some stuff. For example, in battle number 3:


You can't actually kill Luke, you just should beat him so that he drops down (or is pushed down) to the freezer. Then some cut-scene, maybe, and continue in the hallway. Same thing here, the object is to push Luke through the window. Little cut-scene of Vader jumping down to the catwalk. Continue battle, now with a beat-able Luke, until Luke is beaten. Ending cut-scene, perhaps.


A bit of a challenge, I'm sure, but would be great fun...

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All four of those have been made in some shape or form for both JK and MotS... there were three TPM ones for JK, I made one of them, it was rubbish. The best one ended up being exclusive to the author's site, you play as Darth Maul and it followed the duel pretty well. The main misgivings were the new sabers he made looked terrible and that Maul talked as he does in the Phantom Menace game.


There was a Vader and Obi-Wan one I made for JK, which was also rubbish. I revived the idea for MotS about a year later with cutscenes, voices and all and it turned out much better.


There was a MotS bonus level which is the Cloud City battle, wasn't very good though and you fight Kyle, although there was a patch to change it to Vader.


Someone also made a Vader and Luke one from Return of the Jedi for MotS as well. He made two versions, a normal one and a timed one where you have to defeat Vader and the Emperor before the Death Star blows up.


I see a lot of potential for this in JO with the new saber system and all. Also bear in mind, with Episode II just around the corner we have another duel to add to that list.

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Anyone who's interested, here's some download links to the custom made JK/MotS duels:


TPM Final Battle (JK/1.8 MB)


This was the first TPM duel level made. It has you playing as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the big powery room.


TPM Full Battle (JK/230 KB)


This is one I made, it has the start of the fight in the hangar as well. It's rubbish though.


Duel of the Fates (MotS/5.75 MB)


This is the better of the DotF levels where you play as Darth Maul.


Vader vs Obi-an (JK/465 KB)


This was my crappy duel level where you play as Vader and must kill Obi-Wan.


Vader vs Obi-Wan SE (MotS/1.5 MB)


This was a remake of my Vader and Obi-Wan duel made for MotS. It's a lot better and features cutscenes and voices.


Final Battle (MotS/1.06 MB)


Return of the Jedi duel.


Final Battle: Lethal Edition (MotS/397 KB)


A timed version of the RotJ duel.


I can't find an online version of the Cloud City level with Vader. I'll post back when I find it.

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Well, it seems to me that its hard to do a single-player mod at the time of the movies and have it believable. I think it would be far better to have an original plot.... maybe, however, we could set it in the context of movie characters? i.e., you get to interact with Han, Luke and all the rest throughout the game but the game is generally you on your own until the very ending... when the whole crowd go in like on Endor and you and Skwalker go off and take on the final Jedi guy?


It would be nice also to see a series of several movie duels.... but I think you would have to invent something new in the actual duelling to persuade people to actually play it.

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