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Problem with Skins


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Ok, I'm not a skinner, and this doesn't relate directly to skinning. However, I cannot use the skins while I'm playing the game. I unzipped the skins to my base directory, and the menu displays them if I go to Setup from the first multiplayer screen. However, whenever I get ingame I cannot use any custom skins. Can anyone help?

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I'll have to assume you're trying on someone else's server...if so, I'm 99.999% sure this is what it is...


The server is probably a pure server, which means it only uses the files that are in the game by default...no extra skins, no new music, no new sabers, no nothin'. If you ARE able to find an unpure server, then I'm pretty sure that server has to have those skins in its own pk3 files before it'll let you use them.


I recommend creating your own server...that should allow you to use the skins, even if it is just against bots... You may or may not have to change your own server so it isn't pure, but I don't remember.


Oh, and another thing...I wouldn't unzip the skins. Leave the pk3 files in your base directory and it should work fine. The game seems to sometimes have issues when you run things out of directories...at least for me.

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