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Skin Request: Farscape!


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Now, I know this has been brought up before but I thought I'd do it again here in the proper skinning forum.


Is anyone interested in putting together some Farscape themed skins? I'm not any good at doing them myself (without a proper model viewer to get a look at it anyway) or I'd give it a go myself.


A few ideas:


Scorpius, Peacekeeper soldier : use Shadowtrooper

Crichton (original and PK clothed), Crais, Braca, Stark : use Kyle

Aeryn Sun : use Jan?

Chiana : use Jan?

Jool : possibly either Jan or Tavion

Zhaan : no idea

D'Argo : use Weequay? (might be too way out without a new model)

Rygel : funny but impossible without a new model

Pilot : how many guns at once? definately not a good idea


It all depends how far you want to go.


Anyone else obsessed enough to take this on?


Kelvis_XP expressed an interest in doing a Crichton PK skin, and sights0d said he might do Crichton and Aeryn, adding that I should send him some pictures.


I'm working on that, sights0d.


Anyone else interested?

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Well, I don't think he's done yet. I've talked to him another time and all he's really done here is the vest, and I doubt he's even done with that.


But for how much is done, I think it looks pretty good. The clips that close the vest look a kinda plain, but again if it's unfinished, it's understandable.

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