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New single-player levels?


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Well I was thinking - the problem with all communities like this is that everyone has individual small projects and nothing ever gets done. So, I'm getting in early to suggest a conglomerate to release a completely new single-player project thats as long as the original game and better (if thats possible - grins at Raven guys- you never know). I know I'm currently bantha fodder and have only just got the game, but....

Anyway, to the point - I have a plot. It's good - it's somewhere between JK1 and JK2 in style, with a bit of other stuff thrown in. So, basically, I'm wondering if anyone is wanting to give this a go? Say, anyone whos getting to grips with the tools but hasn't already started a major project ?

This ISN't my mod - i just thought of some pretty nice ideas that I'd like to see so I'm suggesting lotsa people band together to make some good levels.


A little about the ideas I came up with: 1, you actually have a few more bosses and a bit more style when you take them on - I felt that the game was very matter-of-fact when it came to bosses and the best jedi fights were against reborns. 2, good music that really fits - the single player level, ladder, had the music (I think!) from Conan and that really works very well. 3, more structured - more like a film works than a game does. For example, more NPC help, especially from troopers etc you meet.


I have a plot worked out too: its something along the lines of you play a Jedi (well duh), maybe Keiran Halcyon? (nice touch but maybe tacky and cliched) Generally, you're off down a Hutts Palace or summat to negotiate, theres something strange going on, you find out when a Jedi boss challenges you. You find out that theres 7 Dark Jedi (sound familiar?) who are doing summat nasty such as plotting general conquering of the galaxy perhaps. Basically you go off on a vigilante mission and do the usual Kyle-like stuff, doing some cool stuff on the way. Definitely want to have a death star detention block style rescue somewhere - maybe the game could be movie-like in the same way that elite force.

Anyway if theres interest I'll come up with more ideas. Put your ideas here! Oh yeah, and also if you wanna make a big level thing post here too :)

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I'm actually ---> <--- this close to commiting to the Heir to the Empire Single player Mod.. i have it posted here somehwere ( might be on a back page by now)


it would basically be a full fledged SP mod to tell teh story ( JO is the perfect game to do this)


one of the nice features would be , that it would tell the story from multiple characters ( a la the book) views.. which in and of itself would be fun..


The only thing i see holding back is that Raven has said they won't be releasing any of the Singleplayer source, so not sure how difficult it would be to replicate what they have done ( with the icarus coding and such)..

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So it IS green carnation? Good man - you have taste in music anyway :).


The only trouble with the Heir to the Empire stuff is that theres actually not much planetwise... it would be hard to tell a coherent story without having many, many cutscenes for the space battles. Actually, I am mid-way through a Heir to the Empire mod thing for X-Wing Alliance..... which is having problems telling the ground based stuff ;).

I'm also not sure about the whole "different characters thing" because I think that it would be confusing and disjointed. However, if you could make a storyline that ran alongside HttE and had a Jedi player (theres no point in NOT being a jedi) then i would be up for that.

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