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Saber only is for pus….


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PUSSIES!!!!!!!!!!! I’d would like to see more servers out there that have sabers all force (any level) and ALL GUNS!!!!!!! I hate pussy whiners who cry about guns all the time and think they are unfair. THE SABER IS A GREAT WEAPON!!!!!! It’s just that the saber and guns are needed at different times. How cool is it when people are shooting at you and you deflect all their rounds often times injuring or killing the shooter or others with them. I know not all guns are block able, but you can still attack and USE THE FORCE! You can fight guns saber and other force users with the force!!! Besides obvious uses for the force against guns realize that you can force back gunfire, steal guns from people with force pull, and so much more! Furthermore you can fight guns and be number 1 on a server (with all guns) without using a single gun! Have your saber full defense and whatever attack you like. If a guy is shooting at you, get close (if you want to fight him you probably would wanna get close anyways since you have a saber J) and use force pull. Now you have the gun and they don’t (but you don’t have to use it J). Plus all the other uses for the force!!!


I think if the game doesn’t have all 3 in multiplayer it has a crucial element missing from it. I also think that sabers/guns/force are all balanced fine. This is not to say that the saber is equal to all the guns, BUT the guns are in set locations and numbers plus you can start out with the saber as well (you don’t get it if you have no force points to attack btwJ). I think the force is balanced as well but I do NOT mean balanced like light and dark (DARK IS SOOOO MUCH BETTER, LIGHT NEEDS HELP in my opinion) I mean balanced as in when all 3 things (guns saber force) are allowed none is totally dominant, but they aren’t totally equally used, as they couldn’t and shouldn’t be!




If server owners think guns are too overbalanced, I think the solution is to increase force power. I like around Jedi Knight. If Force powers are too low, I could understand why people would think guns are too powerful because you can limit the force, but I think it’s all or nothing when it comes to guns. C’MON SERVERS GIVE IT A TRY!

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I totally agree. I love using both equally in the games. I think ALL the whining comes down to people not taking them time to learn the game and the strategies you can use. Heck I didn't find out until a few weeks ago that I could Force pull a weapon (because I was doing it too far away...). Once you learn attacks and counterattacks you'll find that you can find ways to fight against most anything (I say that because you can always be sniped while your back is turned).


A good example of this was when the game first came out and I Force pushed a rocket back at someone and they didn't know what happened. Remember that almost anything in SP can be done in MP as far as the Force.

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Originally posted by Rogue74

I totally agree. I love using both equally in the games. I think ALL the whining comes down to people not taking them time to learn the game and the strategies you can use. Heck I didn't find out until a few weeks ago that I could Force pull a weapon (because I was doing it too far away...). Once you learn attacks and counterattacks you'll find that you can find ways to fight against most anything (I say that because you can always be sniped while your back is turned).



i agree that they are all whiners who are complaining about weapons ... even in CS they whine about a snipergun... only because they were sniped with it :rolleyes:


it takes time to learn this game ... i guess some dont like being a complete newbie again :p

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When people say realism in star wars they dont mean realism to our world, they mean as close as it ca nget to being the Star Wars universe. Thats why he said the golan arms is too unrealish, because we havent seen the weapon before, or anything like it in the movies.

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Originally posted by RedHerring

Sabers aren't for pussies and you just said they are great.


But anyways, the guns are all right with me except the golan arms which is sorta unrealistic - too Unrealish. I occasionally use the repeater and tenloss for long range stuff.


What the hell are you talking about?!?????? I was always writing about saber only servers (and maybe saber + force)


Read my post again so I don't have to repeat everything :)

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I'm gonig to have to say that all whining sucks, but saying one thing is better than the other is also ignorant. It's a prefrence. Sometimes I perfer to use only saber, sometimes I perfer to use both, and some times I perfer to use only guns. You in a sense are whining that people whine about a prefrence they have which is worse. If you want to play with guns, join a guns server. Now please, shut up, I have work to do.

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Originally posted by Mr. White

I'm gonig to have to say that all whining sucks, but saying one thing is better than the other is also ignorant. It's a prefrence. Sometimes I perfer to use only saber, sometimes I perfer to use both, and some times I perfer to use only guns. You in a sense are whining that people whine about a prefrence they have which is worse. If you want to play with guns, join a guns server. Now please, shut up, I have work to do.


No. I was giving my opinion the whole time. Secondly I wasn't whining at all because I was only explaining my opinion and asking for more servers that aren't force only.


"now please shut up I have work to do??"


Sounds like someone has a messy diaper.

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Originally posted by Neko Lain

a wise man once said..."Stop whining"


Well, I don't know who you are refering to but I know anyone can say anyone is whining.


I could say your whining right now.


I don't think it's whining if you explain yourself and give reasonable solutions etc.

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I know what your saying johner (in tthe post about whiners) because the system works like this



Person 1: Your whining


Person 2: NOw your whinig that im whining


Person 1: Now your whining that im whining that your whining


Person 2: Now your whining that im whining that your whining that im whining.


etc etc etc

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Originally posted by AOJ_Jedi_Champ

U r a pussy,look,gun is hard to deflect,like the missile launcher,so it is not fair,unless they all use lightsaber,it is like a cheat:mob: :saberb:


Sounds like I hit a nerve! I'm a pussy because I'm not afraid of guns and having variety in the game? And I'm a pussy because I can beat guns using just the saber and the force?


So guns are unfair because the saber doesn't completely dominate all of them???? You think saber should deflect EVERY GUN INCLUDING MISSLES? Howabout thermal detonators (well they aren't guns but they are in the gun category). NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS A COUNTER. The counter is playing consistently.


Y'know when guns are on (btw it is the default server function and I am pretty sure these guns were officialy put in the game) everyone can use them.


Guns are like cheating???? IIt's not fair unless they all use lightsabers???


I think someones a communist!

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Think of it this way... you can use guns in any old FPS. Boring, old shot every kinda gun imaginable right?


BUT in JKII you can use the Force and Lightsabers in many, many ways. You just don't get that anywhere else. So some people (myself included) like to play the game without guns, so we can experience how unique it is, not just play another shooter.


Guns are lots of fun too, but it is nice to play something different. Something without them.

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Originally posted by ArmchairAthlete

Think of it this way... you can use guns in any old FPS. Boring, old shot every kinda gun imaginable right?


BUT in JKII you can use the Force and Lightsabers in many, many ways. You just don't get that anywhere else. So some people (myself included) like to play the game without guns, so we can experience how unique it is, not just play another shooter.


Guns are lots of fun too, but it is nice to play something different. Something without them.


Or even better you can play with Sabers Force AND GUNS!!!


With guns included it gives you MANY more ways to use saber and force.


Guns just make the game more unique in my opinion, because you can reach the full potential of the force, and with sabers and the unique guns themselves with all 3 included in a game.

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Well....I don't know about the saber needing to block rockets and thermal detonators....but they sure as heck get pushed around fine by force push...forget deflecting with the saber....you can push and projectile back at the enemy except the disrupter rifle. Might not be able to push blaster and blaster rifle...but everything else you can. :) push is a Jedi's best friend......next to his saber. :)


General Theros

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Actually, I'm not much on guns either. Not because I'm afraid of them when playing, they're actually pretty easy to counter. Its more because when playing a ffa, you'll have a group of jedi's sabering it up with real skill, and then some laming loser will come in with a gun and steal the kills. The same can be said for lightening of course, but that can be countered by one saberer using drain, or at least a light sider using absorb. To sum up, guns just don't need the skill to be good that a saberist does, and that's why I don't respect them.

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Originally posted by Golden_Griffin_

Actually, I'm not much on guns either. Not because I'm afraid of them when playing, they're actually pretty easy to counter. Its more because when playing a ffa, you'll have a group of jedi's sabering it up with real skill,


Guns require equally as much skill as anything else since your competing against other players with the exact same potention capabilities.


"and then some laming loser will come in with a gun and steal the kills."


In my opinion, there is no such thing as a kill stealer because no one is entitled to kills.


"The same can be said for lightening of course, but that can be countered by one saberer using drain,"


And like you said guns can be countered as well. Anything can be countered by superior skill consistency.


"or at least a light sider using absorb. To sum up, guns just don't need the skill to be good that a saberist does, and that's why I don't respect them.



I've said earlier that having all 3 (force, saber, guns) brings out the most in each of them. Today I noticed that a force skill like Dark Rage is complete **** without guns as well.

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Originally posted by AOJ_Jedi_Champ

U r a pussy,look,gun is hard to deflect,like the missile launcher,so it is not fair,unless they all use lightsaber,it is like a cheat:mob: :saberb:


You haven't found out how to defeat a missile launcher YET...?

ANY gun in the game can be defeated by someone using a lightsaber. It sounds like you need some practice.

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the reason for saber only is simple. believe it or not, there's ppl out there who don't share your opinion...AMAZING, i know. i like saber-only because i'm playing jk2 for the saber. if i want to play guns, i play tfc/q3/ut/sof2 demo...they do guns way better and are more fun with guns. being a jedi is about using a lightsaber, thats the whole point of the game (to me, at least). also, what is the point of your post? you think you're going to convert saberists to your view? just filter out saber only games when you join a server and stop bitching. out.



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