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Running, flipping, jumping and walls....


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I was wondering in MP mode how you can run and jump and flip off of walls. I like to play in Sabers only No Force servers , but once i played in one where you were able to run up walls and flip off them. What makes you able to do this?.. cause i'd really like to find a server i can play in where you were able to do all of those things with the walls, and it was sabers only and no force. Anyone know of such servers , or what option has to be enabled for a server to configure it like i said?

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Then you just run and press jump when you hit the wall. I sometimes find this annoying actually... I try to jump over little knee high walls (like those on the sides of the gangplanks in bespin streets) and I just keep flipping over backwards. I like to do it but it can be a little TOO easy to pull off sometimes.

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Originally posted by Pvt_Dancer

I sometimes find this annoying actually... I try to jump over little knee high walls (like those on the sides of the gangplanks in bespin streets) and I just keep flipping over backwards.


Ohhhh YES. I agree - happens to me more often than not and it really starts getting on my nerves. :mad:


You run up to someones flag pad, chased by a bunch of enemies, want to make a very low jump onto the pad towards the flag, just to see Kyle bouncing off the smaaaall edge of the pad, doing a waaay cool-looking backflip - RIGHT INTO THE ARMS/SABERS OF YOUR HUNTERS.


Then you find yourself surrounded by three veeery nice people who want to show you how lightsabers work in battle.


*grrrr* I really wish there was a way to turn this move off - at least for yourself. :(




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