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Please help!!!


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i have cable connection with 2 pcs giong to a isb sosho nexland router...my server doesn't seem to show up....i set it to dedicated,, max rate is 10000....I see it from my other pc on my lan but not on the internet through either all seeing eye, gamespy or in game browser....

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First you need to make sure you have the following ports open and forwarded to your server:




Make sure you have used +set dedicated 2 and not 1 or 0.


Also, I've read elsewhere they someone added the following to their command line and it helped:


+set no_udp "0" +set no_ipx "1"


Give those a shot and let us know.

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I have tried the all seeing eye. gamespy, and ingame browser...I see my game from my other pc in the in game browser on lan...but not on the internet.....I have the most recent version 1.02c of the binary....why do some people's servers show up but mine won't!!! This is very frustrating....I have fowrded the ports you suggested!!!!

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