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Jk 3


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Anyone else thinking about this yet?


Me and my friend have come up with a basic storyline for it and everything. Basically, you're Kyle for the first three missions, at the end of which a new Dark Jedi menace is revealed. At the end of the first mission, you are asked to take on a Padawan/Apprentice (do they still use Padawan after TPM?) by Luke. It would be cool if it was a reformed Reborn or something, but anyway... After the third mission, you take over the apprentice, and Kyle accompanies you on the fourth mission. He dies, courtesy of the Dark Jedi, and you are overcome by anger. Luke senses this, and brings you to the Jedi Academy. He teaches you over a couple of levels--this time you get to interact with other students--and then accompanies you on the next mission. After proving to him that you can control your anger, he leaves you, and you encounter a new enemy, through the Force. Another Reborn has survived, and has found the Kaiburr crystal.

I like Splinter of the Mind's Eye!

He reveals that he has taken on three apprentices, one of which is the Dark Jedi you encountered earlier.

The rest of the game focuses on you tracking down the three apprentices. Then, on the last level, you come across the crystal-happy Reborn. He overpowers you at first, but then--

The crystal shatters!

From out the mist walks Luke, who has destroyed the crystal.

Together you take on the Reborn--who has a two ended lightsaber.


AHHH! I just ruined the game for us all!:D

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hey HitMan, that's really one hell of a good story, it contains story twists, surprises and clear goal (kill the three apprentices). also, i like the idea of three archenemies rather than the idea of one. i simply loved the 8 dark jedis from jedi knight 1 and didn't like the one big bad enemy from jedi knight 2.

but, rather than having this story for jk3, how about this one for the jk2 addon? this would imo be a good idea because, first of all it would close the, let's call it, first episode the the jedi knight saga (with kyle katarn) and secondly it would be nice because in MotS they also did a twist or protagonists, as well as some event important for the further storyline (kyle falling to the darkside)

but apart from that, great story, i would make some things different, but still: respect :D

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i think they do. just look at the single player forum, where guys from raven help (and more important interact/talk) to the fans. this may sound odd, but i have seen this seldom. and since they are making the games for us players, they certainly will hear what we have to say

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We dont want another MGS2 man, sure it was a great game, but everyone was pissed they didnt get to play snake the whole game!!!










They need to make a new mission pack (just like MoTS), and it needs to start during Jan and Kyle's (upcoming...) vacation on the beaches of Spira! And Kyle should take down some more crime lords, bounty hunters, etc... Get accused of something wierd and end up with bounty hunters all on him (:fett: ). hehe.... Clear his name, infiltrate some wierd Remnant thingy, fight off tie fighters from the Millenium Falcons turret guns, have more of the original movie characters with more of their real voices (cha-ching, hehe... I'm sure Billy Dee Williams already cost them enough! But If I was the actors, I'd probably do it for not very much money since it would be fun anyway!). And there needs to be atleast one Coruscant level!

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How can JK3 work? I mean the plot in JK2 was **** because the sith is GONE, JK3... ugh...


"This is the badguy-of-the-day, he and his sith apprentice are trying to gain ultimate power in the ultimate-power-spot, you must stop them."


Something totally new is needed. Maybe something that takes place BEFORE Ep. IV, or something that DOES NOT involve sith or dark jedi. I would like to see a new hero, perhaps one with character, you know, so you CARE WHEN SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS! Look at Qui-Gon dieing in Ep1, what was your response? Maybe the movie sucked, but Qui-Gon was the man, and when he dies it was a real "Oh sh!t!" moment. When Jan dies its a "So the f*ck what?" moment. Mind you the overdone voice acting on the polygons whos expressions dont change doesnt help...


I want to see a Dali/Dante-esque game with this saber fighting system, that would rock.

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JK3 will most likely be powered by the Doom 3 engine, especially considering the close link between Raven and Id. With the power of that engine it would look pretty immense. I think JK3 would benefit from a slight change in direction. Areas needing focussing on would be environment interactivity, ie. force pushing tables, cups and other things over. Another thing, we need large areas like spaceports, thriving with NPC's. For example, it would be great to chase someone through Mos Eisley, through swarms of people.

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ohhhhh doooom 3 engine..... gahhhhhhhhh.......:D


anyway the idea here are all cool(cept the one that killed kyle, um.... NO!) but i just wanted to point out that when you say jk3, you mean JO2 right? ;) title of the next game will be jedi outcast 2: somethingsomthing....

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit


YODA : "Always two there are....no more...no less. A master and an apprentice"


yes but when the first one passed training the reborn would take on the next one and so on...

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