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Semi-secret area

Reb Starblazer

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I've found a cool place when I decided to "explore" a bit. Actually, I just thought " Hey, I wonder if I can get to..." I called it a semi-secret area because it's not exactly hard to find or get to. It's not an easter egg, and you may not find it that great, I just thought I'd share. It's near the end of the game, so I'm going to put it in spoiler tags. Also, if someone else has found this and posted it first, sorry, search is disabled, I already tried looking. If someone can give proof they found it first and have posted about it, I will glady give them credit.



On the second last level, I believe it's called Yavin Courtyard, once you get past all the reborn in the Push/pull room(follow me so far?) you must face a shadowtrooper that tries to get the drop on you. Once you're finished with him, look up. You can jump up to that glass floor above you, then walk to the right and jump up the lift shaft. Gotta love force jump 3. Remember this place now? This is where you meet Luke during your first visit, so make your way to the door and go inside. There will be a number of shadowtroopers(varies depending on difficulty) and lots of goodies. I have a game saved outside the door, and it's quite fun spawning a few NPC's for a nice big battle :)



There you go. Nothing extremely special, just a place for some fun and some things to help you on your way.

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Ya, I found that place. I jumped up the elevator shaft out of curiosity. The funny thing is, once you kill the shadowtroopers guarding Desann's escape, your PDA tells you you've finished clearing the temple of remnant baddies whether you've cleaned Luke's office or not. Not a secret exactly, but apparently not essential, either.


I like the fact that Luke's office is the assembly hall from the awards ceremony that concludes SW:ANH. :-)

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Hmmm, very good point godless_hordes. I suppose Luke returned to his quarters, found those Shadowtroopers and gave them a Jedi @$$kicking while you were going after Desann. I mean, he must of been doing something other than sitting around and thinking, "Yep, Kyle and my untrained Jedi students will take care of this, I'm going to go to Toshi station and pick up some power converters." or at least I hope so:D Does anyone else find it strange that Luke is nowhere to be found during all of this?:p And also another point, you find Luke there afterwards, so he must have returned to his chambers at some time. I found it kind of funny when I walked in during the game, and saw that shield recharger there. Luke must of just had that installed while Kyle was gone. And then it's gone again later! Luke should make up his mind.:D Another strange thought, are those recharger things power converters? You never really do find out what power converters are. This is a joke, I don't really think they're power converters. Some strange thoughts going through my head, as it is quite late here and I need sleep.:D


Yes, I too found that his office being the assembly hall was a nice touch.

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Well, Reb, I think Luke was delayed on Cairn trying to catch a ride back to Yavin. He finally boosted an ore freighter, but it was so slow that by the time he arrived the fighting was all over. By the time we see the final cutscene, Kyle and Jan have already spent a couple of days in the guest quarters brushing up on doing it "Jedi-style." (A finely-tuned Force grip comes in *real* handy. :naughty: )


I'm sure the shield charger was brought by the shadowtroopers. They probably figured they'd need it.

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Kyle and Jan have already spent a couple of days in the guest quarters brushing up on doing it "Jedi-style." (A finely-tuned Force grip comes in *real* handy. )



That is SO wrong, c'mon, think about it man...Kyle wouldn't use Force Grip, he'd use Force speed...jan would think she got hit by a jackhammer...:p

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Hahaha, good one man. That's a good idea on what happens too. Yea, possibly another reason why Luke took so long to get back, is he had to stop in on Tatooine and get those power converters he had on layaway for the past decade(I'm sorry, but making fun of that now famous whine will never get old to me :D) And as for Jan and Kyle, one of the few times using "Force Speed" would not be a good idea ;) Another funny (but somewhat perverted) thought is, ever notice how big Kyle's lightsaber handle is. I wonder if it's supposed to represent something, or make up for it:D Just kidding by the way. There must be some reason why Jan has put up with him for all those years.:p


EDIT: It seems that me Vestril and have different opinions on what the effect of Force speed would be. Unless they make a Jedi Knight 3 : Jedi Pornstar, I guess we'll never know :D.

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Another funny (but somewhat perverted) thought is, ever notice how big Kyle's lightsaber handle is. I wonder if it's supposed to represent something, or make up for it Just kidding by the way.


It gets worse when you think about the fact that Luke got one of these interestingly shaped devices from an old man in the middle of nowhere that was left there for him by his Father...



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Originally posted by Reb_Starblazer

Another funny (but somewhat perverted) thought is, ever notice how big Kyle's lightsaber handle is. I wonder if it's supposed to represent something, or make up for it:D Just kidding by the way. There must be some reason why Jan has put up with him for all those years.:p


EDIT: It seems that me Vestril and have different opinions on what the effect of Force speed would be. Unless they make a Jedi Knight 3 : Jedi Pornstar, I guess we'll never know :D.


Clearly, Kyle uses "D" cells.


And yes, Reb, I agree: Vestril, my man, faster is NOT always better. :tsk:


Errr, unless Jan is just that kind of girl.... :eek:

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