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model kyle/fpls2

bad seed

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thanks. Unless im mistaken I should be able to go into my pak file piles and delete this model, copy and rename the kyle model to this one, and then run the game fine. Then when people use this it will just appear as kyle.


Has anyone tried this, does it work?

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go for it, if you don't want to be able to join any pure servers. Did you really think that would work??? Part of pure means, the pk3 files must be EXACTLY the same as the one on the server. Change it if you want, but you'll then be forced to only join non pure servers where you face much stiffer cheating than the one you can fix by forcing models.



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This is what I did:


Extract the kyle/default model to you harddrive, then zip it into a .pk3 file called "invisskinfix.pk3". Make the path to the file kyle/fpls2. Stick the .pk3 file you made into your \GameData\base directory. Now, anytime someone uses the invisible skin, they will appear as regular kyle.


Please note that this trick only works on non-pure servers, but it allows you to play on pure servers because you haven't modified your assets0.pk3 file.


The only way to permanently get rid of this is is Ravensoft patches the assets0.pk3 file. However, that skin is actually used when you're using the lightsaber in first person view... so I'm not sure what is going to happen.

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