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Please Help!


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Okay, when i first got JK2 i was all excited. Then i started to play, and it was freaking dark... so i go into video, and crank it all the way, and nothing changes... nothing at all! and when i go back in game, it's exactly the same. So i just ignore it? well when i start to play single player, i can't really figure out where to go, it's way too f'ing dark, i'd fall off the cliff in 2 seconds... and once i must've hit a hot key or something and it wasn't full screen, and it became really bright (including the toolbar and all the background outside of the jk2 minimized window). i thought about playing it not on fullscreen, but won't get the full screen affect, and the fps seems to get cut in half, and it's all jerky.

Please help. :X


I am on a

900 mhz P3

voodoo 3 3000 - with wicked gl

a lot of ram, forgot how much

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