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Making Servers.....


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Originally posted by KnifeKnips

Well i'm TRYING to Create Server but it keeps saying "local server" sooooo what is wrong, why won't it give me an ip number? thx


JKII is not responsible for giving you an IP number. Your ISP does that and if your connected to the Internet you have one. As far as the readout in the about menu item it is supposed to say localhost....That's what your computer refers to as itself. What else do you want to know?

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So I want to make a server and be a player in it on the Internet (not LAN). It says Localhost for me in About (local like local area network right?). Anyhow no one joined... hmmm... I'm pretty sure I opened all the ports, just did one big 28860-28881 or whatever (forgot exact #'s).


I made a dedicated once and the console said names of people who joined, they kept disconnecting or something though... maybe it was the custom map.

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Localhost is the IP address, which is reserved for loopback operations. (ie. for networking applications that don't require you to get out on a network.. yeah it sounds odd, but its there for a reason :)) It's an address that every computer (with a NIC) has & cannot be accesed by other computers. You can find out your IP address with ipconfig or winipcfg stated above.

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