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Dumb Textures!!

Master Shawn

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This JK2Radiant is freaking me out, I mapped for STV: EF, but this thing is wacked, I can only get the textures for EF to show in the menu, tried to change the directory of the base folder, but, to no avail, it woudnt work, so, I was wondering what I have to do to fix this stupid thing :deathii::deathstar:deathii::deathstar:atat:

"Boba Fett? WHERE!":fett:

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Make sure that in your project settings under the "basepath" field, you're pointing it to "c:\*\*\gamedata\base". Accounting for whatever directory you have the game installed. If the basepath isn't set correctly then it won't matter where you point you're "texturepath" to. I had this problem yesterday (I just intalled JK2Radiant) and I couldn't get the textures to show, I kept playing with the "texturepath" settings to no avail, then finally I corrected the "basepath" settings and voila, it worked.


So basically, just make sure all your project settings are all pointed to JK2, and not EF. If you have EFRadiant installed (which i'm guessing you do), all the registry setting for both EFRadiant and JK2Radiant are shared. When you installed JK2Radiant it automatically set the project settings for EF, not JK2. That's what happened to me anyway and it sounds like what you're talking about.


Anyway, I hope that helped

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