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EF BehavEd, JO Compatible?


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I dunno. It would probably be best to try. I think it is, because if you look a the ladder, while created before the SDK came out, its got some BeHavEd Scripts. It seems to me these are pretty important for SP Scripts such as force powers at start and such. They might release something later, I guess we'll have to try EF BeHavEd or just sit and wait for Raven to release it for JK2.

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I tried EF BehavED and it does work, but you cannot add some things from the editor, like force power levels. What you would have to do is create the script as a text file, then open it in BehavED and compile it. If you have downloaded the ladder map, take, extract the scripts directory. Look at the text file for ladderstart.txt, this shows how to change the force powers for the beginning of the map. Ladderangry.txt shows how to make people hate kyle(it would be fun to use this on luke, so you can fight him), and desann.txt shows how he did the taunts and music changes when desann shows up.


Basically it will need to be hand coded and then compiled until Raven releases the JK2 entity file for BehaveED, then the program can be used to make more complicated scripts.

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Valinor is right. i've been using behavED with JK2 for a while now. it works perfect except that not all features are in the editor, and there's a boatload of stuff that isn't used in JK2. i think the only thing i can add is that i have it from Chang Khan that the JK2 version of behavED will be released with the next tool set, which should be sometime in the next 2 weeks.




PS i actually like hand coding scripts, rather than DAD, so i actually don't mind that part :)

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I originally posted this in the mapping section, but no-one replied so maybe I'll have more luck here:


I tried creating a script file using the EF BehavEd tool, it compiled fine but when I try and run the map in-game it comes up with an error in jkgamex86.dll. I tried using the scripts from the ladder SP map and it caused the same error. I also tried copying the target_scriptrunner and info_player_start from the ladder map and pasting them into a new file and it crashed! I tried compiling the unchanged ladder map and that worked fine, so I'm obviously doing something wrong.

Does anyone know what causes this problem, or where there is a tutorial I could use to make sure I'm doing it right?

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