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Canyon Oasis v2


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Simplex, your a nobody, sit down, boy. Con. Snake, same for you, do the world a favor and hang yourselves.


I'll be critical if I want. If your gonna remake an orginal level, then do it right. JOradiant just came out, this isn't about who can put out the levels in the fastest amount of time.



Hey bitch, since you know so much about belittling people, go make a better version of the level. Since you obviously can't do it, you oughta shut the **** up and make one yourself. Instead of calling him a nobody (you're missing an apostrophe in that sentence, ****) why don't you whine like a little bitch ass somewhere else. We've got plenty of crazy around here already.

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The level is alright if you look at it as an original work, sans the lack of swimming animations. I personally, wouldn't have released a level that hinged on animations that weren't present.


As for it being a remake of CO, its not really close. The scale is off, the item placement isn't similar, and any flow it might have is a lil screwed up by those lil rock protrusions.


So if yer going to view it as an original work, i'd say its decent except for the fact that there are 0 swimming anims. Should'v just taken the pool out for that fact alone.


As a *remake* of canyon oasis, its terrible. It doesn't capture any of the original flow, mostly because of the dimensions and the fact that the item placement is off. I'd say its a very poor attempt at a remake of CO, because it doesn't capture the essence of the level. There's a reason so many of us played it for so long, and that reason isn't represented in this level.


Its kind of frustrating. I took the time to dl and install it, on the premise that it *was* a canyon oasis remake and instead I just found a decent level that had very lil to do with the original.


A direct illegal port of the level would be better.


The only reason I want canyon oasis in the first place is to contrast the dynamics of the new game with those of the old so that I can see a few differences I might miss else where. I don't really want to play it, i don't expect it to be fun, but i want an accurate remake for those reasons alone.


I might have to just port it myself.





PS: instead of 'canyon oasis remake' it should be referred to as 'based loosely on canyon oasis' .

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Dark Cloak, try not to hit on me with your "Sweet, dear" crap. This isn't your pr0n chat room. Your right I don't care what people think about my posts here.


scubactor, I don't pretend that I'm a level editor and I really don't care what little girls think about my posts. Oh and if your gonna diss me, diss me, don't cop out and use **** cuz your afraid to say something. Or you could spend your time spelling check my posts haha.


"PS: instead of 'canyon oasis remake' it should be referred to as 'based loosely on canyon oasis' ."



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We've got plenty of crazy around here already.


This is my favorite sentence in this post.


And... if no one likes what SirBanshee has to say then don't respond. Some problems WILL go away if you ignore them... and if they don't you're ignoring them so it doesn't really matter.

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I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. It was cold; dark... I died. They buried me. Ther were worms! I HATE worms! They drive me CRAZY!!





I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. It was cold; dark... I died. They buried me. Ther were worms! I HATE worms! They drive me CRAZY!!





I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. It was cold; dark... I died. They buried me. Ther were worms! I HATE worms! They drive me CRAZY!!




I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. It was cold; dark... I died. They buried me. Ther were worms! I HATE worms! They drive me CRAZY!!




I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. It was cold; dark... I died. They buried me. Ther were worms! I HATE worms! They drive me CRAZY!!




I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. It was cold; dark... I died. They buried me. Ther were worms! I HATE worms! They drive me CRAZY!!




I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. It was cold; dark... I died. They buried me. Ther were worms! I HATE worms! They drive me CRAZY!!



Et cetera.

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I looked at the pics.

May look like Canyon, may be as good as the original one, but is certainly ugly for a Q3 engine based game.


Reminds me the Battle Ground conversion made for JO : Ugliest than the original one.


Please people, you have a powerfull engine that needs to be used, so make at least decent maps.


A shame that only a few oens remember the true quality of custom maps like Hot Lava, Hoth Hangar or Forest for JK. These maps were eye drying. You had to drool.


Well, I guess that some players here don't bother to play ugly maps, but I do.

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I agree, the swimming in JK2 frankly sucks compared to JK1. It's like you're treading water (underwater) the whole time, until you hit the bottom and then it's just like you're on dry land only a little slower. Silliness...


Of course there was barely any water in the SP game, and none in the MP game, so they avoided having to design a bunch of new animations. You're basically just "floating" in it instead of swimming. I like the fact that sabers work in water here though. Much more true to the series. Blasters too, but they don't get "angled" by the water like in JK1, that was a cool feature (making it harder to hit people in water, who normally were sitting ducks).


As it is, fall into water and you're in big trouble. The drowning damage is also interesting, it pulses with bigger chunks of damage (probably more realistic as you're running out of breath). Bubbles would be nice though.. anyhow, stuff people could add.


The trap in this level is fine, but I think it needs some kind of feedback. The only way you know you are taking damage is if you watch your health meter. Lightning should zap your or something, like the original.


Anyway, not bad for a first attempt, hey, there aren't that many original maps out there yet!

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