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i am so sick of.....


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i am so sick of all you dark jedi that only use the move Grab Lightning, and Drain. In fact most of you dont even fight with sabers anymore, you have either a rocket, and flechette launcher, or the heavy repeater. You people cannot understand how furious i am because while im fighting (always agaisnt 2 or 3) im being shot at with undeflectable rounds, and then i get force grabbed again and again and again. then after fighting hard for a good 5 minutes with some people while i have fulll health i am always hit from behind by someone using strong fighting style. This wouldn't bother me so much if i had a fighting chance, but i don't. I'm sure many other Light jedi's will agree with me on this. I personally feel that if they ever decide to make a patch that they include extra bonus's if your a light jedi, and i hope they bring in more reasons to duke it out with someone saber ala saber. PLEASE MAKE THERE HAVE TO BE SKILL INVOLVED IN KILLING SOMEONE, THIS GARBAGE IS GETTING RIDICULUS!

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Geez, you could form an orchestra in here... There are ways to counter it, and if you don't like weapons, play on a server that doesn't have them. Please people, stop your whining and do something about it, you're runing my video game experience by whining like I'm in the real world.

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Originally posted by Mr. White

Geez, you could form an orchestra in here... There are ways to counter it, and if you don't like weapons, play on a server that doesn't have them. Please people, stop your whining and do something about it, you're runing my video game experience by whining like I'm in the real world.





you forgot the :violin:



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Originally posted by Reverse

i am so sick of all you dark jedi that only use the move Grab Lightning, and Drain. In fact most of you dont even fight with sabers anymore, you have either a rocket, and flechette launcher, or the heavy repeater. You people cannot understand how furious i am because while im fighting (always agaisnt 2 or 3) im being shot at with undeflectable rounds, and then i get force grabbed again and again and again. then after fighting hard for a good 5 minutes with some people while i have fulll health i am always hit from behind by someone using strong fighting style. This wouldn't bother me so much if i had a fighting chance, but i don't. I'm sure many other Light jedi's will agree with me on this. I personally feel that if they ever decide to make a patch that they include extra bonus's if your a light jedi, and i hope they bring in more reasons to duke it out with someone saber ala saber. PLEASE MAKE THERE HAVE TO BE SKILL INVOLVED IN KILLING SOMEONE, THIS GARBAGE IS GETTING RIDICULUS!



Cry me a river... :violin:



I am so sick of you rebel scum whining about force powers.

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Guest Krayt Tion
:violin: Tis not so deep as a well, nor wide as a church door, but mind you tis enough. Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man.
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if you don't like guns, play on "light saber only" servers...


if you don't like force powers, play on "no force power" servers...


otherwise, learn to counter what others are doing, like force pushing when u're gripped or just using force absorb :rolleyes:

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You know what guys. I agree with him. I'm not going on the forums whinning about it though. -it's just part of the game in my opinion. But what I am a little irritated (oops, I guess i lied about the whinning. here we go...) about it how people come on and whine about gunners dark jedi. Then someone replys with "There are so many ways to counter it. -Bulls**t. Now I have no problem with dark jedi. Their force powers do have good counters. But area-effect weapons? If there is a good counter then some one tell me about it. Pull requires to to be aiming your reticle right at him and be about 5 feet away. By the time you line that up, you're dead. I know this b/c I have worn out my Pull button. I use pull every time I see those notorious balls, and that blue flash. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it works, and you just snatch that gun away and you strike them down with all of you hate, but most of the time you die. Like I said before, this is just how the game is. Maybe they'll have a patch to tweak out some of those things, but until then, play it and like it, or shut up. I'm a saber only guy, and that's just no way to be in first place in MP. I'm sure some one can do it. I've held 1st place for good periods of time before, but most of the time there's a dark jedi gunner, who simply makes the best use of the offensive weapons in the game, and dominates MP. Alright that's it.

See you guys in MP i guess.

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Originally posted by Deadeye

You know what guys. I agree with him. I'm not going on the forums whinning about it though. -it's just part of the game in my opinion. But what I am a little irritated (oops, I guess i lied about the whinning. here we go...) about it how people come on and whine about gunners dark jedi. Then someone replys with "There are so many ways to counter it. -Bulls**t. Now I have no problem with dark jedi. Their force powers do have good counters. But area-effect weapons? If there is a good counter then some one tell me about it. Pull requires to to be aiming your reticle right at him and be about 5 feet away. By the time you line that up, you're dead. I know this b/c I have worn out my Pull button. I use pull every time I see those notorious balls, and that blue flash. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it works, and you just snatch that gun away and you strike them down with all of you hate, but most of the time you die. Like I said before, this is just how the game is. Maybe they'll have a patch to tweak out some of those things, but until then, play it and like it, or shut up. I'm a saber only guy, and that's just no way to be in first place in MP. I'm sure some one can do it. I've held 1st place for good periods of time before, but most of the time there's a dark jedi gunner, who simply makes the best use of the offensive weapons in the game, and dominates MP. Alright that's it.

See you guys in MP i guess.



play saber only then




oh.. and :violin:

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Your kisses are like pearls, so different and so rare

But anger stole the jewels away and love has left you bare,

Made you cry these tears of pearls

Well I could be the tired joker pour my heart to get you in

Sacrifice my happiness just so I could win

Maybe cry these tears of pearls...



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