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i am so sick of.....


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Originally posted by princessliar

Your kisses are like pearls, so different and so rare

But anger stole the jewels away and love has left you bare,

Made you cry these tears of pearls

Well I could be the tired joker pour my heart to get you in

Sacrifice my happiness just so I could win

Maybe cry these tears of pearls...




very ot but i am going crazy.... who IS that in your avatar? cant figure it out for the life of me... thanks


edit: forgot my um this guy :violin::D

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grip and lightning i do nto support, but like everyone above has said dont play on non-saber only servers. drain however i think is a fine skill, its the darksides heal, be cause they dont get protect or absorb.

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Originally posted by keto

grip and lightning i do nto support, but like everyone above has said dont play on non-saber only servers. drain however i think is a fine skill, its the darksides heal, be cause they dont get protect or absorb.


AAARGH!! dude, if you post here, you must remember the :violin:


.. jeeez..



:D :D :D

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Originally posted by Vestril

princessliar, I'm pretty sure its supposed to be Jaina Solo, at least thats what I thought when I looked at it...I could be wrong, it happened once before...:p and before I forget....




this makes more sence methinks. looks more like her, from what i have heard.


and UNO MAS! :violin::D

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Originally posted by Khaydarin

What the hell does the little guy with that violin mean ????


What does this :violin: mean ????

By the way according to the guy thread , i would say that it means " WHINNER " .... Am i right ??


Thx in advance


It's sarcasm. When someone complains, you "play the violin" to commemorrate the OBVIOUSLY giant tragedy that has befallen them...


Not to beat a dead horse, but you have two options -- 1. deal with dark forces, because they ARE counterable and 2. don't complain about people who use weapons that are IN THE GAME. Is there some rule against using a rocket launcher?! I suppose no one should use the scope on the sniper rifle either because that's OBVIOUSLY cheating too!! Come on, if you don't like the weapons, you gotta go to a saber server.


Now... drumroll PLEASE... :violin:

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by Gul Evad

It's sarcasm. When someone complains, you "play the violin" to commemorrate the OBVIOUSLY giant tragedy that has befallen them...


Or more specifically, based off the time Nero supposedly played his fiddle while Rome was burning oh so long ago.


Though I am told that "Nero DIDN'T fiddle while Rome burned. Besides the fact that the fiddle wasn't invented until 1500 years later, Nero wasn't even in Rome at the time." :)

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if i knew the violin button, i would play it for myself


yes guys that was a whine, u see i had just come from a game and my emotions were hot.


to clarify a bit. i do not mind force powers or guns, no far from it, i just mind when the same person does the same move to you over and over, like 4 force grips in a row, and yes i do counter it, but there are counters to my counter hehe.


anywho, im feeling better now, the violin symphony woke me up some, thx.


now its time to get back to some killin!

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krayt tion, i really dont see how mercutio lines fit, but whatever


listen guy, if you dont want to die, pick up a gun and shoot back or go somewhere else. what compells you to the light side?










oh yeah, :violin:

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Originally posted by Reverse

i am so sick of all you dark jedi that only use the move Grab Lightning, and Drain. In fact most of you dont even fight with sabers anymore, you have either a rocket, and flechette launcher, or the heavy repeater. You people cannot understand how furious i am because while im fighting (always agaisnt 2 or 3) im being shot at with undeflectable rounds, and then i get force grabbed again and again and again. then after fighting hard for a good 5 minutes with some people while i have fulll health i am always hit from behind by someone using strong fighting style. This wouldn't bother me so much if i had a fighting chance, but i don't. I'm sure many other Light jedi's will agree with me on this. I personally feel that if they ever decide to make a patch that they include extra bonus's if your a light jedi, and i hope they bring in more reasons to duke it out with someone saber ala saber. PLEASE MAKE THERE HAVE TO BE SKILL INVOLVED IN KILLING SOMEONE, THIS GARBAGE IS GETTING RIDICULUS!


The primary weapon I see both on myself and other players (on servers with guns/force/saber) IS SABER!


Choke is not that good. It's only good for cliff maps EVEN then it's easy to counter with push and PULL (yup pull counters it as well). Drain can be countered if you light side by absorb (i think :)) and if you dark side drain can be countered by....well drain first :)


As for either having a rocket, flatchet, or repeater...well first of all that's 3 guns so it's not like 1 is dominant EVEN though I still disagree with you. You're really just puttion on a show here for people who don't know the game. PLUS the rocket and flatchet are rare compared to the other weapons. The repeater is very easy to counter with...believe it or not THE SABER!!!! Plus any weapon can be countered by force pull and in SOOOO MANY WAYS!!! Like rockets can be pushed etc etc etc!!


You shouldn't be "backstabbed" by strong style too often if you obey the number 1 rule: NEVER STAND STILL!!!!


As for the rest of your whining and not having a fighting chance, well evidently someone does since someone always wins.


As for force light...well it DOES suck and it needs serious reform (not necesarily "point boosts" but positive reform)

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