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Texture Stretching


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Skies are created by using shaders, which are a special kind of texture that doesn't really involve any stretching.

If you want to make a sky, open up the 'skies' textures set and scroll through the list, looking for blue and white (or green and white) little checker board patterned boxes with white outlines. Those are shaders (pretty much anything with a white outline is a shader of some sort).

You can apply those to any brush, but you should make the brushes that will act as your sky the length of your floor brush otherwise you'll probably get some graphical glitches.

Also keep in mind that quite a few of the shaders don't work properly at the moment, so if one doesn't work, try another.



And yes, there's a way to stretch textures, by pressing 'S' and messing with the numbers in the window that pops up.


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Yeah, use the 'S' Key with the face of the brush and texture you want to stretch or tighten.


Enter values into the Horz. stretch and Vert. stretch fields. The sliders to larger jumps, so for more precise control enter your own numbers. Then to check it, press Apply. If you want to keep changes use OK.

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