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Duel Of The Fates Map?


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This goes out to any beginning mappers, or l33t mappers, I am looking for someone to possibly map a Duel of the Fates Map. I have screenshots from the previous JK Duel of the Fates Map, and it was an awesome map.. And the best part of Jk2 is the engine, and how BETTER textures can be used... Email me @ dmccarthy100@charter.net for more information on the level, and what I am looking for, and what you can possibly do.. even if it just to make the blue beams that circle the catlwalks, that would be awesome... Well, hope to hear from ya guys...








(to view the pics, erase the http://www. after click the link *stupid geocities*)

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Learning to map make on the Generator Complex, so I rather make from scratch, so it is really nice.


Well I think I can use my own custom textures for the energy columns, but before I do that, I really wanted to use the game's purple lightning/electrical bolts. Not sure how too.


And I think I can mess with shaders to get a custom animated texture. But again I rather use the cool lightning. Not sure how to do it though yet.

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It may not be exactly the same room you're talking about, but I've been working on a map the last 2 days with lots of catwalks and, hmm light beams ;)


Here's a screenshot for your viewing pleasure (don't be too hard on me, it's the first time I make maps with a radiant-like tool.)




Still have a couple of things to fix before I release it, like bot support, might have to play around with some catwalk to improve gameplay and still trying to figure out how to have the light beams make some sound :confused:


Btw, I'd be glad to hear any suggestions you might have


**NOTE: add http://www. after the http:// in the new window; geocities doesn't like direct linking I suppose :rolleyes:

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Nice level! I like those beams too.


Which texture map are the beams? How can I mess with beams?


For a low hum you may like as a beam sound is a light that is set to style 5. Not what you want I bet, but is interesting.

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I got a duel of the fates map made, but not finished, jkradiant crashes when my map gets too big, also there are difficulties with the beams, coz at a certain moment you can see up to 4/5 beams and all the effects slow down the movement tremendously, which is devastating, because you will want to jump. If anyone wants to get my model file so he can use it for this project or sth, be welcome to ask me for it on


icq 33190646 or msn a_de_ridder@hotmail.com or aim Flubny

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Those look really sweet!


Now, as mentioned, we need a SP map like that with Maul, QG and Obi to play that with :)




Oh yeah, and if you want to view those pics, just click on the link then add a "?" after the url.

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Hey... I would think a WHOLE LOT of people would like to play a Duel of the Fates map... or am I wrong? Would someone please take up the task of starting one... and if one has already been started... then can someone post a screenshot or a few, please.

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Umm, no offense DemiJedi, but if you'd been reading the previous posts, you would have read that jkentmarsh, UniKorn (different Thread), and LivingDeadJedi are all working on the map, but on their own version of the map...

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Andy, I did read the previous post... and that wasn't a duel of the fates map... that's why I'm talking about one... and even if someone is working on one, I have seen no progress... I like to see development pictures and such... just to give me hope that someone is actually undertaking the task of making what would be an incredible level, if done correctly

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Hi all,


sorry if it took that long to reply but job has taken all my spare time lately... :mad:


As for the blueish light on top of the beam, I applied on a single face of the brush the "flare blue" texture from the cairn texture set.


I hope I will have more free time soon so I can finish my map in the next couple days. Now I just wish I could find a more blueish beam... would look better

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Hmm, just to let you know that a friend and myself have been working on these two maps.. (Yes two)


The Theed Power Plant map 9will be a FFA map but you can duel in it as long as the server allows it) and the pit room will be a duel map and includ the long hallways with the forcefields.


*points to this thread on Wired Lamp Studios' board.



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