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Dismemberment MOD


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Ive been searching for a dismemeberment mod that my friend has...i know the whole consol/cheat way, but i hear that thats unstable and there is some problems, but he had a mod where it was just like the normal game, and OCCATIONALLY, it would dismember people, just in different areas (lose a head, chop in half, lose a leg, etc.) but i cant find it anywhere on jediknightii.net, where he said he found it, can anyone please help me?


Space Monkey §ß



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Originally posted by Kurgan

I use that enyak_mutiliate.pk3 file that was advertised in the news some time ago. Sadly, I can't find the link. Maybe look in the news archive and you'll find it... or the files section.


Ok, i got it, it was "enyak_mutiliate.pk3", and that was the file that my friend downloaded...i found it from a link from Jedknightii.net, to mod central, and it was there, and it seems like a good mod from what ive played so far...thanks

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Does the mod enyak_mutiliate.pk3 work in mulitplayer - I've dropped it in my system but in muliplayer it doesn't seem to work -hmmm perhaps its in the wrong directory? has anyone experienced conflicts between the pK3 mods that might be keeping this mod from working?


Anyone have any suggestions or tips?



The documentation with enyak_mutiliate.pk3 was pretty minimal.

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