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How tough would it be to Multiplayer r2d2?


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I have just started to get the .pk3 files out and tinker. I have found the r2d2 model and skins, but I cant figure out how to enable them to be chosen in Multiplayer.


Could some kind sir give a N00b like myself an example? I created an Icon for it, and all the skins are correct, I just dont know how to get Multiplayer to recoginise it, or any of the other non "regular" skins.



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But what would happen? Is there an attach point for the weapon, or would it just float in space above the model? If anyone knows about how this works, please let me know.


What I think would be cool, would be to have a robot arm comming out the top of R2d2 with a weapon attach point.


How would you set this up?



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Well, Artoo has a compartment on top of his dome for stashing a saber as we saw in Revenge...er, Return of the Jedi. So it's not like he couldn't just swing it around over his dome.


Plus, with as many compartments as that little b.astard has, I wouldn't be to terribly suprised if he wasn't rigged for combat. :D

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well... the R2D2 animations are obivcusly not that of the human ones and therefore it would take some in-file editing to make it work... but it is possible, take the at-st for example... But what we need is a Jawa skin... who doesn't like Jawa's after all?


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