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Basic server syntax?


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Ok, I am running a linux dedicated server, and playing with it mostly to learn the configs. I have checked lots of site (planetquake, bluesnews, etc.) for info on the SYNTAX of Q3 servers/config files but have yet to find anything easy to digest that is really informative.


What I'm looking for is basic syntax and configuration info. For example, what is the diff between set var=value and seta var=value, etc.


Any and all help would be GREAT! Thanks guys!





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Here's the basic idea:


set simply does that, set a cvar to a value


seta sets the value and archives it (to jk2mpconfig.cfg in this case)


sets sets the value and makes it part of the serverinfo query reply. It's used for informational purposes, like Administrator, CPU, Connection, Email, Clan, etc.

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Cool, thanks! That helps greatly.


Now, any ideas on a q3 or EF faq that explains all the other stuff?


Im just looking for cross-reference info, since nothing definitive has really come out yet (although this Forum is OUTSTANDING for info! Props to all of the people who contribute here!)




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