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umm, what do you thin of this guy??

Guest seantree

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Guest seantree

this is something i had on my hard drive for a bit. I started modeling it without a concept, a big no no :) Anyway, any suggestion as to what I could do to make him look a little mean? I mean like a muscular Sith Lord? The saber concept I have done would require someone with strength, but I just can't think of anything to do for a truly evil look :/ Thanks for looking, and feedback is appreciated.


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Originally posted by CheshireKat

some sort of drapery always gives a Sith a bit of an edge


DEFINITELY ... but if he's gonna be a muscular SOB, gotta go shirtless.


also, tattooing your sith seems to be all the rage these days ... and it does make them look a little more intimidating than say, count dooku. here's an idea (my 2 cents) ... i was in maui in november and went to a luau. these guys were representing new zealand (i think) and had tattooed faces. immediately it reminded me of darth maul. here's the twist, they only tattooed HALF their face. your model could be a darth maul meets two face (from batman) character ... only half of his body is done up. again, just my 2 cents.


however, you definitely let the skin make the character.


keep up the good work. :guard:

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Here's my suggestion,


As was stated before, I think the pectorial muscles need to be moved down more. They seem way to high up. Also, finish the hands up.


As to make him look more "sithy", may I suggest pulling his head back a bit. So it is maybe more like a slanted egg shaped, this will show that he is of a different race. Make the model's brow(?) look bigger and maybe add a sharper chin. Make the mouthe and nose squintty to make him look angry. All these facial features will define your sith lord.


You could also make his arms metallic, kind of like Jax from the Mortal Kombat Series, and make them look more smooth. Maybe put a shoulder pad with spikes, or whatever pleases you, on one of his shoulders ( May I suggest maybe the left shoulder ). Place a belt on him that is thick and has a pretty big connector. I suggest building some thigh pads for him. And make his boots go over his knee cap. Other then that, you have yourself a great model so far. :)


As for the skinning part, I would suggest making him a light blue skin tone. Place scars on him, maybe one that cuts threw one of his eyes and makes that eye look white. The tattoo idea is fantastic. I would suggest doing that with a dark blue/black colour!

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First off, excellent looking model so far man.


Now, do not tatoo his upper torso. It isn't the rage, it's only one Sith that has had that, and only because it's what his fricken race does. 99% of all Sith only have 1 tat, and it's on their forehead, never their body.


Now, to make him more "Sith." Make him:


1. Darker (As in skinwise, dark shadowing around his eyes, or an almost not slept in weeks look)

2. The armour of the boots is a tad...boxy, try to curve them more.

3. The cloak. All Sith wear some form of cloak, be it the full hooded version, or some kind of shoulder draped.

4. Something most people forget: A hook. I mean, your new Sithlord has to have somewhere to put his blade.

5. Technology. Keep it looking clean and techy, while giving it an archaic look. The Sith are a very old race, and stick with their ancient technologies more than the newer techs out there.

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Originally posted by L2.0

do not tatoo his upper torso. It isn't the rage, it's only one Sith that has had that, and only because it's what his fricken race does. 99% of all Sith only have 1 tat, and it's on their forehead, never their body.


ok, well obviously somebody has some very hard feelings about my OPINION. and that's the thing, it's my OPINION. so, to clarify some things ...


(1) in the movies, it IS only one "frickin" sith who's tattooed, and HE IS tattooed over his entire body. does that mean there can't be more?! i was just going on the idea that sith seem to be, somehow, in my opinion, deformed/maimed/modified physically in some way ... but that's just my observation. don't anybody go biting my head off over this.


(2) some of the sith models people seem to be creating )which can be seen in the forums), one in particular - i.e. lady sith, have tattoos. LET'S MAKE MORE ... TATTOOS KICK @$$!


my original post contained a suggestion, that's it ... an IDEA to try to help seantree out. just because it's not your thought does not, IN ANY WAY, make it wrong, capice, L2.0?


but i digress. seantree, it's YOUR model. you posted your model on here to get people's opinions and suggestions ... take them or leave them. now can't we stop all this bickering and help seantree out?!


keep up the good work, and keep us informed of your progress. can't wait to see how it ends up. btw, i'm still pushing for the half-tattooed body idea.

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Lets not ruin seantree's thread.


but it does clearly state in episode 1 visual dictionary, that mauls tattoo's are symbols of his complete dedication to the sith discipline. Which obviously suggest's other sith would have them too. But any way if he chooses to give his character tat's its his decision.

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Originally posted by adillon

ok, well obviously somebody has some very hard feelings about my OPINION. and that's the thing, it's my OPINION. so, to clarify some things ...


Hard feelings? Hardly. Please do not put words into my mouth. I simply said my opinion as well, and it wasn't meant to rain on your day. You said tattooing your Sith seems to be all the rage, and I simply said it wasn't. The only 2 sith I've seen so far tatted up were Maul, and Cheshire's Lady Sith, who by all accounts, is the same race as Maul, and Eeth Koth - both of which are tattoo'd in some way. It's a part of the Iridonian Zabrak culture, and not the Sith's, that's all I was saying.


And for the EpI visual dictionary, I won't argue the fact of what it says. I'm just saying based on everything that's got a Star Wars tag on it so far, there has only been 1 tattoo'd Sith, and that was Maul. Sidious, Vader, Tyrannis - no other Sith has them. And only 1/2 of the Sith in the movies have been debilitated. Tyrannis & Sidious are both healthy.


So again, I wasn't trying to bite your head off, I was debating a single point in your post, based on my opinion. So relax a bit.

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i think this all diverged kind of greatly from "umm what do you think of this guy?" which was mostly a model question i think originally...and tats are a skin thing...which is the skinner's parogotive (sp?). Tats would be fine...just make em original and non-maul-esque

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Guest seantree

hrmm, lightsaber axes is pretty close to what i have designed for him to use, but I'm not sure how they will work in game. i'll post up a pic of his saber's soon.

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Well, The model is very cool. Keep him simple.


Like someone said, give him one single original characteristic that people will notice. Muscular as he is I dont imagine him doing a lot of flashy and acrobatic moves like Maul. A massive lightsaber came into my mind. Make him a bulky muscle montain with a Gorc(JK1) like saber.


You can either loose some of the muscle shape and give him some robes or keep his muscular shape and use some tight clothing like Luke wears.


A tattoo would look cool as long as it's a simple one. Dont overdo it.


Some alien features on the head could work as well.


If yer going for a more mercenary or bountyhunter looks for this guy, I would sugest a belts and a vest full of tools of the trade. Dont do this for a Sith like character though.


Well.. these are my sugestions.

The model is looking good. Curious to see how it will evolve.


Keep it up. :)

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