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!ANNOUNCEMENT! To All Creative Minds


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= Human Mind Studios =


Public announcement:


Hi there!


I know a lot of you have a brilliant mind and dreams as well.

Some of those dreams might be hard to accomplish. One of those

dreams is beiing in a real gaming studio, working in team and

make KICKASS stuff that you can show off to your friends, or

simply get experience you will need to get work in your dream

company. :-)

That is why, if you think you got such a human mind, I need you!

Myself, im a student computer science. Im young, got a

great future ahead of me, but I want to get something fantastic

going now.

I proudly present you: > The Human Mind Studios <

Short term our goal will be to support the quake3 engine, more

specifically the recently released JK:Outcast, by Raven & LucasArts.

We can make great dreamprojects from the starwars universe.

If it turns out the way I plan, the goals are in fact unlimited,

future will tell.

Hey, this is YOUR opportunity! Read along and apply today even! I

got great experience leading people, working with big amount of persons

and still get the picture going. Today is the day where we make our

dreams come true :)

Finally ill tell you why you should join my project, instead of making

your own maps solo! Lets take duel of the fates map as example:

one guy is great with lightning and makes the beams, another guy can

make a very detailed entrance room, another person pays a lot of

attention to make the perfect bridge! Together? Yeah: combine the

elements and you get a great piece of Mindware that will be loved

by gamers and that YOU can be proud of!

Below, you will now find the system the studios will be set up, one step at a

time, followed by a rough idea of who we need, and ending by the thing

you all want to know! -> How to join? :D <-




Alexander "Flufner" De Ridder


icq #33190646

aim "Flubny"




*basic html site

*basic forum

*irc channel setup




*"project" descisons

*first model project

*start site development

*creation of kickass studio logos,banners,wallpaper



*development of database systems, linked to irc

*advanced function description & teamwork promotion

*descision on first bigger project



*fully functional and operational battlestation :)

*teamwork assimilation/ loyality, pride, power

*PR offensive! :D



*who knows? :)



Full Team will (about) look like this:


>Website Team


[We-001] 1 Web Coordinator

[We-002] 2 HTML/PHP/Sql Coder

[We-003] 1 Chief Administrator

[We-004] 1 Flash animator

[Wv-001] 1 Assistant Administrator volunteer

[Wv-002] 2/3 Forum moderators volunteer

[Wpx-00x] 2 Padawan who are promising & motivated


>Modelling Team


[Me-001] 1 Chief modelling

[Me-002] 5 Radiant modellers

[Me-003] 3 Photoshop graphics ppl

[Me-004] 2+ Animators

[Me-005] 4+ 3dStudioMax modellers

[Mp-001] 3 Padawan who are promising & motivated


>Programming Team


[Pe-001] 1 Chief Programmer (c++/java)

[Pe-002] 3 Script writers (eg bot files)

[Pe-003] 4 Programmers (c++/java) <closed>


>Irc Team


[ie-001] 1 Irc Coordinator

[ie-002] 1 Irc Bot writer

[ie-003] 2 Administrators

[iv-001] 2 Moderator

[ip-001] 1 Padawan bot-writer




[PR-001] Public Relations promotor

[Dr-001] Studio Director <closed>

[b-001] Brainiac "ThinkTank" member

[Le-001] Legal Advisor

[se-001] Sound division



How to join this wonderfull project? :)




mail a_de_ridder@hotmail.com with these details:


age,location,connection type,what do you want to apply for,

why do you think you are suited for that?,icq/msn/aim so i can

contact you and have a chat.

For the [?e-???] categories, a little example of what you can do

or extra motivation is a good idea. for example if you work with

php, send me a link to a site you have made.




we have a little chat

what happens from here on will depend on the situation




joining the community, meet new friends

enjoy teamwork and the great projects we will accomplish! :)

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Codenames? That's kind of disturbing.


What year are you?

Which university?




Do you have any idea what the studio will produce?

That might be a big draw for peope.

Let them imagine being a part of something solid.

Something grand.

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Originally posted by Infinity

Codenames? That's kind of disturbing.


What year are you?

Which university?




Do you have any idea what the studio will produce?

That might be a big draw for peope.

Let them imagine being a part of something solid.

Something grand.


] codenames are only for organisational puposes. :p


] Im @ the University of Ghent in Belgium (where i live)


] Productions: Well one example would be of doing a tatooine-theme as project (but for actual project descisions is a bit early). I imagined it would be great to have a theme featuring locations such as lars farm, jawa sandcrawlers, tusken canyon, cantina, jabbas palace (including dungeons). There could be duel versions, ffa versions, anything you can imagine.


Or what about a naboo project where you choose sides between gungans and battle droids and could fight the battle all over again, but IN the action? There would be models, skins, textures, landscapes, mods etc .. all little parts done in teamwork, then combined into a great experience everyone will love!


Also there is a lot of thinking to do in the direction of episode 2 locations .. i have seen some impressive images which make excellent scenarios.


Short term i would like to produce some HIGH quality maps and skins for popular demand, and once it is all starting to get going, we take a look at more exciting and bigger projects :)

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I don't think your idea will have a lot of success. For the main reason that people like to release their maps on their own. And not have 5 people working on 1 map. It is their creation, and they like to have it that way. At Wired Lamp Studios we work with internal beta's, where everyone comments 1 persons map, and he makes the required changes on it. After that there is something as a final_beta, with the explanation of all changes + the neglected changes (the ones the author disagrees with) and then the map is "ready to be released". But all changes are done by the mapper. Those of course who want other mappers to do some finetuning are allowed to do so. But people like to see their name beside the mapname ;)



Belgium, Leuven ;)

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*sigh* just because its not how YOU would choose to set it up, doesnt mean it wont work Unikorn. Granted that some people like to get all the credit for a project. But the reality of a design TEAM is that cooporation is the best means to an end. If people do different things best, like he mentioned, then the easiest way to get the best map possible is to divide the tasks.


Not everyone has your selfish views. Some of us take more pride in being part of an amazing release, than taking full credit for a mediocre one.


If I wasnt already working with an extraordinary mod team, i might take Flufner up on his offer.


You strike me as a particularly arrogant character, Unikorn, and I think you're lucky that your team has some measure of skill, because your community relations suck.





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He wasn't making a personal attack, so there's no need to return with one. Just because YOU don't like his opinion doesn't mean it's not valid. Sound familiar? ;)


He made a good point. He said it probably wouldn't work and he gave a rational reason why. From personal experience, I happen to agree. Take a deep breath and get over it, k?

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the personal attack was not based on the reply, but rather on his general elitist attitude all over these boards, of which the reply is a good example. Instead of offering constructive critisicm, all he ever does is say that people are doing it wrong, and gives the impression that hes the only one who knows how to do it right.


Ive spoken to alot of people who find him to be arrogant and obnoxious, and while im not going to turn this thread into a flame war, i decided to point it out for the integrity of Flufner's proposal.

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Just because a guy's an ******* it doesn't mean he's not making a valid point. By drawing personal bias into the discussion, you're not preserving the integrity of Flufner's proposal any more than UniKorn is.


But hey, points have been made, we don't agree, to-may-to/to-mah-to, let's call the whole thing off, k?

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Unikorn comes off as arrogant in the forums...not sure why, but it does seem that way. He's fine if you talk to him specifically, but eh...


I would really have to concur with Unikorn, that an individual want credit for something they did pretty much entirely themselves. otherwise, why are they even doing it? But I think this idea of a cooperative for every aspect, is novel. I make models, but when possible, i have someone else do the skins. I am okay with that, it's not a big deal. But it all depends on what is more important to you;


Your vision, and your own pride at your work. (which can be either good or bad)




The vision of an end product that has been tweaked to near perfection


that once again can be recieved well...or horribly.

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Keep in mind to take the original post in the context of a game design company, as opposed to a bunch of friends working on some skins and maps. When I'm doing mods with my buddies, sure, one guy does models, I do maps, another couple do textures and skins...but when there's a more serious project (serious meaning intended for profit, with some investment on the line), there's always some tweaking that everyone on the team can do to/with each others' work that is beneficial for the project overall. I might set up a killer map, with some cool areas, and evironments, but I can't get, say, my coastline to work out quite right - another mapper on the team grabs a copy of what I've done so far, plays with the coastline, and gets it to work.


That level of teamwork is entirely appropriate to a quality project. Now whether that's exactly what flufner had in mind, or whether he's really as gung-ho about limiting his team members down to bits and pieces as he sounds is a whole other question. But I think the former is what he was getting at, not so much the latter.


Flufner, feel free to correct me.



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Actually there is no offense taken. Absath is correct in what he says about my postings on this forum, although Elite attitude completely beside the point, but I do tend to focus on people's errors rather than on the things that they did correct. Why? First of all, because I don't have hours to praise people on their work. I'd rather get right to the point, tell them what I think needs improvement, and move on to the next thread. These forums sometimes like an irc channel, and it is hard to keep up. There will be more than enough people praising the good stuff he created. Apart from that I do have a lot to do for Wired Lamp Studios.


Secondly, it are your errors that you learn from. I tend to push everyone on their errors, to improve their stuff before release. If I praise people at work that isn't really great imho, they will not improve, they will stay at the same level and be happy with what they created and think that they have achieved the highest level, while they haven't, but do have the potential to get there.


Sometimes I do just answer with : The lighting is wrong. Way too dark. Or something like that. I want people to look around what is wrong, read tutorials, try stuff themselves. No offense meant, but on these forums there are a lot of people who refuse to look around for some tutorials and learn from that.


And in this very thread I do think that it will not work. If you read it you will see that a map is split up in doorways, bridges, lightbeams, ... Which means that you will also have to manage the different parts of a map as well, instead of the map as a whole. If you are building 10 maps, split up in 50 different areas that will be created you will have 500 different items to follow up. Not to mention that each mapper has a different building technique, ...


And my posts may seem arrogant, but most of it is just lack of time to write a whole chapter in every post. Do know that those that had questions that I knew the answer to got helped.


Once again, no offense taken.

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Eh...I'm kind of with Unikorn on this...half and half, maybe. At least he's/she's...not sure? (don't like saying he if he's a she, cause I'm a she, so...) admitting to why he sometimes sounds the way he does...but then he gives what seems to be a valid reason for it. He does seem concise, and straight to the point. There is nothing wrong with that, but sometimes it is the way that what we say comes out. Nobody is perfect. Nobody is imperfect, either, though. ;) He gave a translation of his "arrogance".

Now, while that stands, I don't really think that there is any one way to create a mod, or even just a map, for that matter. I actually wouldn't mind, if I wanted my map to be REALLY coolawesomebooyaboomshakalakabadass, having help from others that wanted t share the load, just as long as we could keep it together.

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I completly agree with Unikorn, and you will never find me saying "Well its a good job for your first try...keep it up" if the work is crap or needs heavy improvement. I agree that faults need to be pointed out for any real progress to be made. If we all just make nice comments for the sake of everyone's feelings, we lull them into believing mediocre work is acceptable, and they will not strive to do improve. Thats the heart of constructive criticism.


But there are other things to be considered as well. Criticism is a hard thing to deal with, especially when you dont get it alot. I myself have been an artist my entire life, so criticism is part of my everyday routine. I know how to take it, know what to let roll off my shoulders and what to take to heart. I've tempered my pride in the face of critisicm, because I recognize its value, and that if I truly want to be the best at what I do, then I have to remain open to suggestions.


Not everyone can deal with critisicm. Its difficult to put out and idea or piece of work and have it slammed from every direction. And it makes it that much harder when someone comes in and says "thats a bad idea" or "you did this wrong" and leaves, instead of offering an extra word or two of construction.


Not so much on this post, because you did point out why you thought the idea would fail, but Ive seen you just drop into a post, say "this isnt right" and disapear. The creator is left thinking "ok....its not right....but where isnt it right? what can i do to fix it?" Then they ignore the critisicm, because it resembles a flame or insult more than an attempt to help.


It comes across as hostile and unconstructive, and that kind of criticism is almost as bad as sugarcoating your replies to save someone's feelings.


If you truly want to help push these people to new heights, then try to find a middle ground. I understand you're busy...most of us are. But either you're gonna find a way to convey your criticism in a more developmental light, or people are going to continue to regard you as elitist and trollish, despite your accomplishments with WLS.


On a different note, Flufner, im terribly sorry that we hijacked your thread :( My hope is that at least by keeping it near the top of the first page, you are getting some replies to your offer.






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As I said in the other forum:


Unikorn isn't the elitist at WLS...I AM


I am a mapping/modding god and everyone else here sucks! You too Unikorn...SUCK SUCK SUCK!! You are not worthy of posting in the same forum as me!!!


See, I am more elitist then Unikorn! Pick me! :)


Hehee...yes, I am kidding. :)


There is alot of growing talent here, and Unikorn is just trying to assist. There are so many questions to answer, you can't spend to much time on any single one. He may come off as blunt, but, despite what you said above Absath, he almost always offers a suggestion.


Keep up the good work guys. Honestly, this group of skinners/mappers has come up to fairly good quality pretty fast compared to most games. So something right must be going on in this forum.


Good luck with your project Flufner :)


- Vorax

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Designer! Right Here!


First class, state of the "art" (get it?) 10/10. Wether it's computer art, airbrush, or freekin anything to do with designing (even aliens, yes) then I'm ya man.


Too bad I aint got a scanner, that sucks huh? You wouldn't believe what I've come up with so far.....


Uh, WAIT! I'll take a picture of em!



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