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Stop the whining!


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I'm tired of all these posts of people looking for help and then crying about it an hour or 2 later because nobody answered their question yet. Guess what, not everybody know the answers and not everybody comes to this forum every day. Do you know all the answers? If so then what are you doing here. JK2Radiant is brand new, and JK2 is pretty much brand new as well therefore the number of people knowledgable about JK2Radiant specific problems is gonna be somewhat limited for now. If you have a question about Radiant in general and get no response, please either do a search on this forum or search the web for radiant, there's lot's of tutorials out there for Radiant. As for your JK2Radiant questions, have patience, pretty much everyone here is still learning it. If it's been more than a day or 2 then yes, ask your question again, but don't get pissed because nobody is answering you. There are plenty of peoply here that love to be able to help out whenever they can, they just don't know everything. As time goes by, more and more people will learn what problems there are and common solutions to them and more and more people will be able to answer all these questions.


I have no desire to help you if you're just gonna whine.

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