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Which IP Address should I use if behind a NAT Router/Firewall?


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If I configure using the Gateway's IP I get WSAE errors that the IP address is not available when the server tries to open the UDP ports (which of course is correct since the server is not running on that IP) but if I configure using the server's IP address I'm not getting out to the internet (because the server is on an internal non-published IP address).


The dedicated launcher application uses the gateway address by default.

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Usually you have to NAT at your Firewall/Gateway. For instance -


Server address - (internal IP)

NAT address - (external IP)


A rule or whatever on your Firewall/Gateway makes your Internal IP virtually the External IP and vice-versa.

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I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.


I am already doing port forwarding. I'm asking what Net IP to use in the config file or batch file.


Its working by not specifying an IP address... I just want to know the "right" way to do it...

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Unless you have multiple ip's for your server, you shouldn't specify a net_ip. Even after you remove it from your command line and any configs, make sure that it didn't copy it into your jk2mpconfig.cfg as well. If it did, delete it from there as well.

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