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Dedicated Server prob.


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When I try and start the dedicated server it stops with this error.

"Hitch warning: xxxxxxxx msec time frame.




Athlon 1800XP+

512MB PC 2100

GeForce4 Ti4400

Windows XP.

Cable modem setup with router (i've tried port forwarding)

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JK2MP: v1.02c win-x86 Apr 15 2002

Initialising zone memory .....

----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\darthmaul.

pk3 (20 files)

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\assets1.pk

3 (8011 files)

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\assets0.pk

3 (6674 files)

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData/base



14705 files in pk3 files

execing mpdefault.cfg

execing jk2mpconfig.cfg

execing autoexec.cfg

Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok

...detecting CPU, found

AMD w/ 3DNow!

--- Common Initialization Complete ---

Winsock Initialized

Opening IP socket: localhost:28070

Hostname: CRAIG


Working directory: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameD


Hitch warning: 20963240 msec frame time


It says that, then it stops.

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Just to be technical, the hitch warning is the servers way of saying, "I was busy doing something and it may have caused some lag for any connected players." These are perfectly normal during server startup, but if you get them while the server is running it means that either you're hitting max cpu utilization or some other problem is occuring that might be producing lag. Obviously, the higher the number the worse the lag is.


Ok, to reply to the post directly above, if you type status into the console does it show what map is running? or does it say "server not running"? If it shows the map, all is well. If it says server not running, then you're not starting a map or rotation in your config. Post it here if that's the case and we'll look at it.

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server not running....



This is my server.cfg

// Server Config

seta sv_hostname "jkii-ded v1.02"

//seta g_motd "woot"

//rconpassword "a clever password"


seta sv_maxclients 6

seta g_inactivity 0

sv_maxRate 10000

set g_allowvote 1

set timelimit 30

set capturelimit 20

set g_autoMapCycle 1


map ffa_bespin

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I don't see a command line to start the server up there. For linux it would look like:


./jk2ded +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg



..while a win command line would look like:


"C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\JK2\Game Data\jk2ded.exe" +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg

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The +exec server.cfg you see in the command lines is what causes that config to be executed upon startup. I'm assuming you want an FFA server since that's what would be the default. If that's not the case, let me know.


Config below does require customization for your server description. The // denote comments added for clarity. Any questions are welcome.


// Server Information

seta sv_hostname "Server Name" //As it appears in the server list

seta g_motd "My MOTD"

sets Administrator "Admin Name"

sets CPU "My CPU"

sets Clan "My Clan"

sets Email "myemail@mywebsite.com"

sets Connection "OC192" // I wish

sets URL "www.mywebsite.com"

sets Location "wherever"

seta sv_zone "FFA" // For info only

seta g_needpass "0" // 0=No 1=Yes - For info only. Does not password server.


// Passwords

seta g_password "" // Leave emtpy for no pass

seta rconPassword "myrconpass" // Used to remote admin server

seta sv_privatePassword "myprivatepass" // Used to access private slots


// Basic Server Settings

seta sv_pure "1" // Pure setting enforces pk3 file checks

seta sv_maxRate "10000" // Generally between 5000-10000. Max 25000

seta sv_minPing "0" // This ping or higher to connect. 0 = disabled

seta sv_maxPing "0" // This ping or lower to connect. 0 = disabled

seta sv_floodProtect "1" // Helps keep clients from flooding server

seta sv_maxclients "20" // Max number of connected players

seta g_maxGameClients "0" // Max number of non-spectactors. 0 = disabled

seta sv_privateClients "4" // Number of private slots. Access with sv_privatepassword

seta sv_timeout "120" // Time (in seconds) server waits for packet before disconnecting clients

seta g_allowvote "0" // Allow clients to vote for map/rules changes (0=No/1=Yes)


// Logging

seta g_logfile "2" // 0=None, 1=Buffered, 2=Continuous, 3=Append

seta g_log "games.log" // Default location is ~/.jkii/base/

seta g_logSync "1" // 1=Write complete lines

seta g_statLog "1" // Probably similar to g_logfile. Untested.

seta g_statLogFile "stats.log"


// Game Settings

seta fraglimit "25" // For FFA - Frags a single player accumulates to end the round.

seta timelimit "0" // Time limit for round if fraglimit. 0 = no limit

seta g_weaponDisable "0" // 65531 = saber only

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "0" // Same as g_weaponDisable, but for duels

seta g_forcePowerDisable "0" // Selectively disable force powers. 32767 = no force

seta g_privateDuel "1" // Allow players to enter private duel (FFA/Holocron Only)

seta g_saberLocking "1" // Allow saber locks to occur

seta g_maxForceRank "7" // Sets number of points players receive for force powers

seta g_forceBasedTeams "0" // If on Rebellion must use light force powers while Empire must use dark force powers

seta g_forceRegenTime "200" // Time to regen full force power. Default 200 = 20 seconds

seta g_spawnInvulnerability "3000" // Time invulnerable after spawn. Default 3000 = 3 seconds

seta g_friendlyFire "0" // Can hurt teammates 0=No/1=Yes

seta g_friendlySaber "0" // Can hurt teammates with idle saber 0=No/1=Yes

seta g_doWarmup "1" // Set to enable warmup before round.

seta g_warmup "30" // Warmup before round stats. Must enable g_doWarmup.

seta g_teamAutoJoin "0" // Force players to join a team when entering

seta g_teamForceBalance "1" // Force players to join team with fewer players

seta g_redteam "Empire" // Can customize the name of the red team

seta g_blueteam "Rebellion" // Can customize the name of the blue team

seta g_autoMapCycle "1" // Rotate through maps automatically. Use 0 for custom rotation

seta g_gametype "0" // 0 = FFA


// Banning

seta g_banIPs "" // List of IP's to be banned

seta g_filterBan "1" // Enable Ban by Ip


// Map Rotation

map ffa_bespin

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If you run an FFA or Holocron server, you'd also want to add the same setting for g_duelWeaponDisable so that if people challenge one another, the rules stay the same. You will want to note, that that config is setup for FFA. I have others for CTF and Duel. I find it hard to make a totally comprehensive config that isn't a mile long. ;)

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Here's the duel config. Doesn't cover EVERYTHING, but most things you'd need.


// Server Information

seta sv_hostname "Server Name" //As it appears in the server list

seta g_motd "My MOTD"

sets Administrator "Admin Name"

sets CPU "My CPU"

sets Clan "My Clan"

sets Email "myemail@mywebsite.com"

sets Connection "OC192" // I wish

sets URL "www.mywebsite.com"

sets Location "wherever"

seta sv_zone "DUEL" // For info only

seta g_needpass "0" // 0=No 1=Yes - For info only. Does not password server.


// Passwords

seta g_password "" // Leave emtpy for no pass

seta rconPassword "myrconpass" // Used to remote admin server

seta sv_privatePassword "myprivatepass" // Used to access private slots


// Basic Server Settings

seta sv_pure "1" // Pure setting enforces pk3 file checks

seta sv_maxRate "10000" // Generally between 5000-10000. Max 25000

seta sv_minPing "0" // This ping or higher to connect. 0 = disabled

seta sv_maxPing "0" // This ping or lower to connect. 0 = disabled

seta sv_floodProtect "1" // Helps keep clients from flooding server

seta sv_maxclients "8" // Max number of connected players

seta g_maxGameClients "0" // Max number of non-spectactors. 0 = disabled

seta sv_privateClients "4" // Number of private slots. Access with sv_privatepassword

seta sv_timeout "120" // Time (in seconds) server waits for packet before disconnecting clients

seta g_allowvote "0" // Allow clients to vote for map/rules changes (0=No/1=Yes)


// Logging

seta g_logfile "2" // 0=None, 1=Buffered, 2=Continuous, 3=Append

seta g_log "games.log" // Default location is ~/.jkii/base/

seta g_logSync "1" // 1=Write complete lines

seta g_statLog "0" // Probably similar to g_logfile. Untested.

seta g_statLogFile "stats.log"


// Game Settings

seta fraglimit "1" // For Duel - Frags a single player accumulates to rotate players

seta duel_fraglimit "10" // Number of times a single player hits the fraglimit to rotate maps

seta timelimit "20" // Time limit for round if fraglimit not hit--could be disabled for duel

seta g_weaponDisable "65531" // 65531 = saber only

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "65531" // Same as g_weaponDisable, but for duels

seta g_forcePowerDisable "32767" // Selectively disable force powers. 32767 = no force

seta g_saberLocking "1" // Allow saber locks to occur

seta g_maxForceRank "7" // Sets number of points players receive for force powers

seta g_forceBasedTeams "0" // If on Rebellion must use light force powers while Empire must use dark force powers

seta g_forceRegenTime "200" // Time to regen full force power. Default 200 = 20 seconds

seta g_spawnInvulnerability "3000" // Time invulnerable after spawn. Default 3000 = 3 seconds

seta g_doWarmup "0" // Set to enable warmup before round.

seta g_warmup "0" // Warmup before round stats. Must enable g_doWarmup.

seta g_teamAutoJoin "0" // Force players to join a team when entering

seta g_teamForceBalance "0" // Force players to join team with fewer players

seta g_redteam "Empire" // Can customize the name of the red team

seta g_blueteam "Rebellion" // Can customize the name of the blue team

seta g_gametype "3" // 3 = Duel

seta g_autoMapCycle "1" // (0/1) (Off/On) Rotates through all maps for gametype. Disable to use custom rotation.


// Banning

seta g_banIPs "" // List of IP's to be banned

seta g_filterBan "1" // Enable Ban by Ip


// Map Rotation

map duel_carbon


And here's the CTF config.


// Server Information

seta sv_hostname "Server Name" //As it appears in the server list

seta g_motd "My MOTD"

sets Administrator "Admin Name"

sets CPU "My CPU"

sets Clan "My Clan"

sets Email "myemail@mywebsite.com"

sets Connection "OC192" // I wish

sets URL "www.mywebsite.com"

sets Location "wherever"

seta sv_zone "CTF" // For info only

seta g_needpass "0" // 0=No 1=Yes - For info only. Does not password server.


// Passwords

seta g_password "" // Leave emtpy for no pass

seta rconPassword "myrconpass" // Used to remote admin server

seta sv_privatePassword "myprivatepass" // Used to access private slots


// Basic Server Settings

seta sv_pure "1" // Pure setting enforces pk3 file checks

seta sv_maxRate "10000" // Generally between 5000-10000. Max 25000

seta sv_minPing "0" // This ping or higher to connect. 0 = disabled

seta sv_maxPing "0" // This ping or lower to connect. 0 = disabled

seta sv_floodProtect "1" // Helps keep clients from flooding server

seta sv_maxclients "20" // Max number of connected players

seta g_maxGameClients "0" // Max number of non-spectactors. 0 = disabled

seta sv_privateClients "4" // Number of private slots. Access with sv_privatepassword

seta sv_timeout "120" // Time (in seconds) server waits for packet before disconnecting clients

seta g_allowvote "0" // Allow clients to vote for map/rules changes (0=No/1=Yes)


// Logging - You'll want to change at least g_logfile to something other than 0 if you want stats

seta g_logfile "2" // 0=None, 1=Buffered, 2=Continuous, 3=Append

seta g_log "games.log" // Default location is ~/.jkii/base/

seta g_logSync "1" // 1=Write complete lines

seta g_statLog "0" // Probably similar to g_logfile. Untested.

seta g_statLogFile "stats.log"


// Game Settings

seta g_gametype "7" // 7 = CTF

seta capturelimit "8" // Flag captures by a single team to end the round

seta timelimit "20" // Time limit for round if capturelimit not hit

seta g_weaponDisable "0" // 65531 = saber only -- SEE BELOW

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "0" // Same as g_weaponDisable, but for duels

seta g_forcePowerDisable "0" // Selectively disable force powers. 32767 = no force -- SEE BELOW

seta g_privateDuel "0" // Allow players to enter private duel (FFA/Holocron Only)

seta g_saberLocking "1" // Allow saber locks to occur

seta g_maxForceRank "7" // Affects number of points players receive for force powers - Max = 7

seta g_forceBasedTeams "0" // If on, Rebellion must use light force powers while Empire must use dark force powers

seta g_forceRegenTime "200" // Time to regen full force power. Default 200 = 20 seconds

seta g_spawnInvulnerability "3000" // Time invulnerable after spawn. Default 3000 = 3 seconds

seta g_friendlyFire "0" // Can hurt teammates 0=No/1=Yes

seta g_friendlySaber "0" // Can hurt teammates with idle saber 0=No/1=Yes

seta g_doWarmup "1" // Set to enable warmup before round. Nice to give slow loaders time to get in.

seta g_warmup "30" // Warmup before round stats. Must enable g_doWarmup.

seta g_teamAutoJoin "0" // Force players to join a team when entering

seta g_teamForceBalance "1" // Force players to join team with fewer players

seta g_redteam "Empire" // Can customize the name of the red team

seta g_blueteam "Rebellion" // Can customize the name of the blue team

seta g_autoMapCycle "1" // (0/1) (Off/On) Rotate through all maps for gametype. Disable for custom rotation.


// Disable Force Powers/Weapons


//Value for g_disableForcePower - add up what you DON'T want


//Use 32767 for no force or leave it at zero..for now.

//1 Heal [light]

//2 Jump

//4 Speed

//8 Push

//16 Pull

//32 Mind Trick [light]

//64 Grip [dark]

//128 Lightning [dark]

//256 Dark Rage [dark]

//512 Protect [light]

//1024 Absorb [light]

//2048 Team Heal

//4096 Team Energize

//8192 Drain [dark]

//16384 Seeing


//Values for g_disableWeapon -- add up what you DON'T want

//1 No Weapon (not used)

//2 Stun Baton

//4 Sabre (doesn't work)

//8 Bryar Pistol

//16 Stormtrooper Rifle

//32 Disruptor

//64 Bowcaster

//128 Repeater

//256 DEMP Gun

//512 Flechette Rifle

//1024 Rocket Launcher

//2048 Thermal Detonators

//4096 Trip Mines

//8192 Detonator Packs


// Banning

seta g_banIPs "" // List of IP's to be banned

seta g_filterBan "1" // Enable Ban by Ip


// Map Rotation

map ctf_bespin


Any questions or comments are invited. I don't pretend that these configs are 100% complete or perfect, but I think they work fairly well and have lots of comments to help admins customize them to their own purpose.

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Any questions or comments are invited. I don't pretend that these configs are 100% complete or perfect, but I think they work fairly well and have lots of comments to help admins customize them to their own purpose.


Thanks m8.


They might not be 100% perfect but they're a hell of a lot better than the script that comes in the download

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