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I know this is a repeat but please help with openGL


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I know that this has been asked by others before but i havn't found an answer that works. I am running a P3 866mhz with 384MB RAM and Windows XP Professional. I have the base 3d card that came with the computer when i bought it last summer. I get the error message saying it can't load the OpenGL subsystem. I have tried a couple openGL downloads but i don't know what to do with them, and i don't know were anymore are. I also tried the suggested way of going into the CD in the gamedata section and running it from the executable there but that didn't work. Help me forum members, your my only hope.:leia:

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Its a Intel 82810E Graphics Controller, with 4mb base and up to 11MB diverted from RAM. Nothing too great but i havn't had problems with anyother game but return to castle wolfienstien, which was a friends, and i was able to run quake 3 and that uses the openGL right.

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Well, bad luck there. The Intel i810 is in the troubleshooting doc that came with JO - and it's on the list of 'unsupported' chipsets.


There is a possible solution, though. You have Quake3 installed? Try copying the opengl32.dll file from your Quake3 folder to the /gamedata folder for Jedi Outcast. That may work. If it doesn't, then it's likely the wrong OpenGL file - run Quake3 and look at the driver details to find out which file it's using. Then copy that to the /gamedata folder for JO and rename it to opengl32.dll.



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Originally posted by mroptimistic

Its a Intel 82810E Graphics Controller, with 4mb base and up to 11MB diverted from RAM. Nothing too great but i havn't had problems with anyother game but return to castle wolfienstien, which was a friends, and i was able to run quake 3 and that uses the openGL right.


Must have 16MB card for JO. Your only hope is running it in safe mode, go to start, Programs > Lucasarts > JediKnoght 2: Jedi Outcast > Single player safe mode. If this works, the performance is going to suck, but at least you can try to play it. :)

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