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Mulitplayer Heart ACHE!


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Jedi Knight is the first game that I have bought so please don't mock me to much :-)


I am trying to set up a basic Jedi Knight mulitplayer game. All I want is my friends to be able to connect to a server I make.


I have done this by creating a server and then getting my friends to make a favourite using my static IP Address. Nothing happens and they just get awaiting game state.


I have also tried the Jedi Dedicated Launcher but again I don't show up on either the Internet List or connectable as a favourite.


The last multiplayer game i played was Duke Nukem (no laughing) and it seemed quite easy hehe.


If any one can help me I would be VERY grateful.


I live in UK and have a 512 ADSL connection with a Static IP.


Thanks In Advance


A Very Stressed Jaxx


Cisco Router Configs are friggin easier! lol

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No I run my games under windows 2000 which is left pretty much as it comes. No firewall installed at all.


The main thing thats baffling me is if I create a server, it has my unique IP address so my friends should just be able to use that IP to connect straight to me?


I just wanna kick some chum like ass :-p

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Theres been a lot of complaints/problems about showing up in the lists and having friends connect. If you have all the ports open and a static IP I would suggest you and your friends getting "The All Seeing Eye" and searching for your game. Im not sure about win 2000, but in 98 I can switch from full screen to windowed view with alt+enter to look up the game in the eye and see if its there..


Get The Eye here => http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/



Good Luck ;)


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Well there's bad news and more bad news.


I tried the All Seeing Eye and aoart from being a great tool it still doesn't show up any servers i create.


I just wanna fight my friends...its such a cruel world! lol

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