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how do you enable stat logging?


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I cannot get my linux server to produce a log file of anykind. I have tried adding the lines mentioned in this thread as well as trying the following lines, but no dice. Any help would be apreciated.


seta g_log "games.log"

seta g_statLog "0" or "1"




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For those who may be unfamiliar with the notation, ~/ is the current user's home directory. So, if your user name is jk2server then the files would be in /home/jk2server/.jkii/base/ Remember that any directory or file that starts with . is hidden. Another thing I noticed is that you didn't specify what you have g_logfile set to be. It needs to be something other than 0. I prefer to use 2 myself.


As an additional note, you can produce a separate, more player/weapon driven stat log by adding:


seta g_statLog "2"

seta g_statLogFile "stats.log"


The file will be located in the same place as the more general log. This log provides results on a round played basis. I'm not currently aware of any log parser that analyzes it and I have noticed a few small "inconsistencies" in how it accumulates stats. So, it's bugged like some other things are, but it's still interesting stuff.

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