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Bots and Mods Question


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Here's some common bot related cvars:


seta bot_enable "1" // (0/1) (Off/On) Allow Bots

seta bot_minplayers "1" // Number of players to maintain by adding/removing bots

seta g_spSkill "3" //Bot skill--0 to 5 (5 is hardest)

seta bot_thinktime "100" //Time in ms for bot to make a decision (default 100)

seta bot_challenge "0" //Turn on to make bots more challenging

seta bot_nochat "0" // Bot chat (0/1) (On/Off)

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It's mostly from a long time running Q3 based game servers. There's also a huge number of site out there with all kinds of Q3 server admin info. I have a notebook I keep for my own information with printouts of things from dozens of sources. What I spew out here is really just the accumulation of that information.

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