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Problem with 3dmax xsi exporter


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I've got a problem with 3dmax xsi exporter. Whatever I try to export (e.g. very simple scene with the teapot, not to mention a stormtrooper model), during building it with carcass i get "XSI import failed. File contains 'cubic' scale keys". Also when I try to import the exported scene with max importer i get "improper file format". I tried other xsi exporters, with no results. I've got max 4.2. Anyone knows what's causing those errors? I'd be very thankful.

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Yeah i get the exact same thing.


I've been relying on sithlord to help me exporting my models, which sucks bigtime cuz it would speed up my work tenfold and I would be able to stop bothering sithlord.


I got 3DS MAX R4.

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you are sure?you've got the same error before skinning?

i known how to use uvw but i d'like make my textures later..and watch my mesh first in the model viewer. or i just have to make uvw without texture...??no errors like that?


by..hope you ll answer ;-)

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I just select all the mesh and apply a uvw texture and now i have an other error becuase i don't put a skeleton and point weigth but i not the sclaling error

i think it's that

when u import the xsi file and make a renderer, max say that the mesh ... needs uvw map so the game don't know how to placed texture

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Ok, I've got the sollution. Americans won't have this problem while Europeans will ;). It's stupid, but all you must fix is to change in windows local settings your coma symbol from "," to "." :D. All exporters are stupid enought to write "," in output instead of "converting" it to ".", so your asci *.xis is one big bull**** (e.g.: 123,124,7654,857, should be: 123.124.7654.857,). Now I'm able to make correct *.xis, however I stilll can't convert it to *.glm with carcass as i get something like "vertex x of mesh y has no weight. Don't get it. Anyone can help?

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Thx, but when I use skin modifier, carcass can't find some bones during conversion... any ideas? Maybe I do it wrong? Could you post some mini- tutorial? Anyway I'm trying to convert imported stormtrooper model without any changes first. Why can't I import it with weights already?

Where do I have to link the mesh? To pelvis only, just like biped- physique?

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Maybe this is just the model, but when i try to import a .xsi model into Milkshape, it tells me that "A Mesh with Polygons Made Up of more than 3 vertices was found.. Skipping" I know what this means, but it gives me around 5 of them and then never shows me the model...:confused:


Also, is it possible to get a plugin or whatever to import .xsi into GMAX?

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