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Maybe it was just something the editors missed & we should leave it at that. Cuz you know when theres a contuinity discrepency hordes of hardcore fanboys will jump all over it & try to rationalize it into the SW universe. I'm sure it was just a minor goof on the editors part. :)

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Maybe it was just something the editors missed & we should leave it at that. Cuz you know when theres a contuinity discrepency hordes of hardcore fanboys will jump all over it & try to rationalize it into the SW universe. I'm sure it was just a minor goof on the editors part.


Well all of this wasn't one giant nitpick, it was just support for my belief that they took their storyline largely from I, Jedi's plot. :)

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What a nice thread we have going on here.


I just want to say that I'm totally satisfied with the quality of the information you guys are sharing in this thread, this is what I wanted this thread to become.


Keep it up.... I'm hungering for more!


V-tecc The Unfed :)

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What a nice thread we have going on here.


I just want to say that I'm totally satisfied with the quality of the information you guys are sharing in this thread, this is what I wanted this thread to become.


Keep it up.... I'm hungering for more!


V-tecc The Unfed


I think we're all glad you're enjoying it...are there other topics you want discussed?... Anything we can talk about to increase your enjoyment? I love talking about this stuff...:D

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All the stuff a bout corosis armour resisting or shoritng the lightsaber, throw it out the door. Like other people have said the only Canon comes from the star wars movies themselves, so when they found out about Cortosis Armour they are actually allowed to do what htey want with it in the games. Also Desann says he is great and mighty during hte SP because he says 'I am the one that will finally perfect the usage of the black armour.'*








* disclaimer: The words may differ to what he says, but that is what he still means.

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All the stuff a bout corosis armour resisting or shoritng the lightsaber, throw it out the door. Like other people have said the only Canon comes from the star wars movies themselves, so when they found out about Cortosis Armour they are actually allowed to do what htey want with it in the games. Also Desann says he is great and mighty during hte SP because he says 'I am the one that will finally perfect the usage of the black armour.'*



Errrrmmmm...since Cortosis armor is something that was never in any movies, how it works really shouldn't matter--it is a function of only the books, so I would think that it is Canon as far as EU is concerned...if Ep 2 has a scene where Obi Wan buys a drink of Cortosis milk or something then I guess the whole Cortosis armor concept is pretty well f***ed, but until that happens its still canon...

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yes EU canon... EU canon has no power over anything. EU Canon can differ in two different books, and since everyone doesnt read all the books no one knows. So Jedi Outcast can do what they want with Cortosis armour. The only Canon that must remain the same,(hmmmm) comes from the movies and only the movies.

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yes EU canon... EU canon has no power over anything. EU Canon can differ in two different books, and since everyone doesnt read all the books no one knows. So Jedi Outcast can do what they want with Cortosis armour. The only Canon that must remain the same,(hmmmm) comes from the movies and only the movies.


Actually EU canon does not differ from book to book, at least with Star Wars. The more recent films have run roughshod over some EU stuff but not much. This is part of the reason why it would be nice to see the game mesh, the other media types fall in line (like Comics)

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Originally posted by V-tecc

I'm wondering about one of the skins in the game; The Shadow Trooper.

Who is this character?

Is he from one of the movies? A Book? A Comic? ... And in that case: Which one?


Or is he a JK2 limited character?


I would like more info about this, so if someone knows anything, please don't hesitate to post.


Also anyone feel free to post questions/comments in this thread about other characters...






The shadow trooper is NOT from the the Episode4-6 moveis, nor episode 1, whether lucas will have a shadow trooper in episode 2 or 3, is up to him. His original story did not have anything like the shadow troopers, play the single player game to see for yourself. than again medichlories were not part of his original script either, so.............

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Germane to V-tecc's original question, and my first reply to it:


Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim was a small sourcebook for the first edition of the roleplaying game -- you needed to also have the game. The Galaxy Guide series was a line of smaller, softcover sourcebooks which each illuminated one area of the SW universe. 1, 3 and 5 concentrated on characters from the movies, one at a time (and was the first appearance of many names we now think of as being from the CCG, like Davin Felth and Wuher). 2 took a look at the specifics of Yavin and Bespin, 4 was a guide to alien species. 6 was one of may favourites, and expounded on the life of a smuggler, called Tramp Freighters -- starships, shadow ports, trading in legal and not-so-legal goods... a great book.


Anyway, 9 had lots of great stuff, including "cadences:" lightsaber technique practice routines. One of the more advanced involved the Jedi standing, saber sheathed, blindfolded, in the center of a circle of 360 candles. Choosing the candle numbers based on complex equations he was doing in his head at the time, the Jedi had to activate his saber and exactly touch just the wick of each candle in turn to ignite it, but not melt the candle from getting too close -- all within a prescribed time limit. Extremely cool.



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Originally posted by D'akt Sangwar


i thought ppl sed they dont give out heat, so how can they melt candles from getting 2 close


That's exactly the point. If they gave off heat, the moment you got within a meter the candle would be reduced to a puddle. Since they don't give off heat, touching the blade to the wick would only ignite the wick.


Remember what happened when Qui Gon shoved his saber through the blast door in Episode 1? That's a good way to think of how heat from a saber works...

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True, true. Deus Ex is one of my all time favorite games. Nothing beats the thrill of actually thinking you're wrapped up in a conspiracy... Majestic 12. *sigh* Warren Spector is a true genius.


It WAS awesome, my only disapointment was how a lot of the stuff you did had no impact on the endings. Like when they said three endings I thought it would be based on how you performed through the game, not how you played the last level.


That would have been a LOT more complex, but the only reason I was disapointed with it was because the accursed box made me think that it would be that way :( Still one of the best gameplaying experiences of my life!!

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Originally posted by tofu

Your royal guard looks real sweet




Thanks, I like it too.


What about them, the Imperial Royal Guards? - Any cool stories or interesting information about them?


Officer in the Imperial Royal Guards, V-tecc

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Originally posted by Vestril


I think we're all glad you're enjoying it...are there other topics you want discussed?... Anything we can talk about to increase your enjoyment? I love talking about this stuff...:D


Hell yeah! :)


There's so much that I want to know, like for instance: Has Lucas already written the prequals? or is he making them up as they go? I know he must at least have a prototype of the story done, the question is: Is he re-editing them know, to fit the needs of modern Star Wars Fans? Or was there always for example a Darth Maul, looking like he does.


Oh yeah, one other thing: What's EU Canon? (having asked that he immediately felt dumb)



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why wasn't Kyle inclined to use one of those cortosis suits? They were hanging right there... just put one on... for goodness sakes.


It is like all action movies... where the hero of the day has a 9mm handgun, walks past a row of assult rifles, chooses to stick with the handgun, and then complains when they are "out gunned" in the next scene.

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Originally posted by Kyuss

why wasn't Kyle inclined to use one of those cortosis suits? They were hanging right there... just put one on... for goodness sakes.


It is like all action movies... where the hero of the day has a 9mm handgun, walks past a row of assult rifles, chooses to stick with the handgun, and then complains when they are "out gunned" in the next scene.


Hehe.. I agree, but I wonder what would happen if they made a movie thats 100% realistic, the hero even dies in the first half hour or something by falling of a roof when doing a spider-man stunt, hehe..


you guys think it would be a hit? :)



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That's what Jedi Knight was like. That was quite awesome. Go good, and you don't have to fight Yun the second time, but you have to fight Sariss. Go bad, fight Yun, and see a movie of Sariss giving Kyle head. Waitaminute. Was that the game or the specialized porn movie? Hmmm....

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Hell yeah!


There's so much that I want to know, like for instance: Has Lucas already written the prequals? or is he making them up as they go? I know he must at least have a prototype of the story done, the question is: Is he re-editing them know, to fit the needs of modern Star Wars Fans? Or was there always for example a Darth Maul, looking like he does.


Oh yeah, one other thing: What's EU Canon? (having asked that he immediately felt dumb)



Ok, so George Lucas had an idea of how he wanted the prequals to go when he wrote Star Wars, he knew a lot of the big ideas, but he hadn't written the script for it. He's been writing the scripts as he goes along.


EU canon...is a tricky thing. lots of people have lots of different idea's on what it is. I guess its whatever you chose to believe in.

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Originally posted by Vestril

EU canon...is a tricky thing. lots of people have lots of different idea's on what it is. I guess its whatever you chose to believe in.


HA! ...Then to me it's a frog. :)

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His original story did not have anything like the shadow troopers


In the early script drafts for Star Wars, Stormtroopers (and just about everyone else) had lightsabers. They're like the standard issue knife that commandos carry for hand-to-hand combat. ; )


As far as EU canon, it doesn't exist. All you have are agreements between EU authors not to "contradict" each other's material intentionally.


Up until a certain point (I believe it was with the release of Dark Empire) the EU authors made no attempt to gel with each other that I know of. That's why you have Leia and Han having one kid in one story, and twins in another. So in Dark Empire they have three kids. ; )

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As far as EU canon, it doesn't exist. All you have are agreements between EU authors not to "contradict" each other's material intentionally.


Up until a certain point (I believe it was with the release of Dark Empire) the EU authors made no attempt to gel with each other that I know of. That's why you have Leia and Han having one kid in one story, and twins in another. So in Dark Empire they have three kids. ; )


Actually it changed when Timothy Zahn wrote Heir to the Empire, and its not just an agreement between authors, its a process controlled by the editors, to write and sell books in the SW universe you have to stick to the info put out in the movies and books. This is just since Heir to the Empire, mind you.


As to EU canon, it obviously has no effect to the movies, but it does have effect as to other EU things, so that is a canon of a sort (yes I realize that that is a gross misuse of the word canon). In any case some believe that the books mean more than the recent movies, and others, like Kurgan, think its all load of s*** and only the movies count :p


It's all a matter of opinion. My belief is that I love the books, and believe what they say (at least the recent ones) until something in the movies run roughshod over them. Then I just deal with it. I think the books are cool, and it would be extra cool if they meshed perfectly with the movies, but oh well :).

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