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Where the hells DARTH VADER

Darth Phodis

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I cant believe that there's not a Darth Vader MODEL out there yet, ....let alone a bodged up Darth Vader skin for god sake.... All I wanna do is stand on some dead jedis corpse and utter the taunt... "All too easy"


(crawls into the corner a blubbering wreck)


PS: Boba Fett is gay and so is C3p0


Flame away flameboys ..... hehe



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Look into the "General Editing" and "Modeling" forums. There are threads conserning a Darth Vader model in progress. (Lookin' mighty fine, I might add.) In the GE thread you'll find pics. The thread in "Modeling" was started because people in the old thread were, well, behaving badly.

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Nobody pays attention anymore.. there are at least 3 darth vader skins out already, and have been out for weeks. And then there's that work in progress one that was mentioned.


I know the search function is periodically broken, but people could at least do some checking before asking about this and getting all upset. It seems every person asking for the darth vader skin is all angry and in-your-face about it, as if they are owed something.


Chill man, and check out that thread! ; )

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I cant find them either KURGAN...any ideas as to their whereabouts : O(

Actually I have checked everyday for the last month for models or skins .... as far as I know they've never appeared on JKII.net yet.


...hey KURGAN... "who cuts your hair?" hehe (love that movie)

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Hmmm, I don't care where the model comes from dev or not.... just want Vader....

1) BTW, he's not dead you moron

2) He looks 100X better than those gay looking REBORNs, with thier "i wanna sound like the emperor" taunts

3) Who wouldnt want this model?.


Bah... could go on, but who's listening anyway :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Nobody pays attention anymore.. there are at least 3 darth vader skins out already, and have been out for weeks. And then there's that work in progress one that was mentioned.


I know the search function is periodically broken, but people could at least do some checking before asking about this and getting all upset. It seems every person asking for the darth vader skin is all angry and in-your-face about it, as if they are owed something.


Chill man, and check out that thread! ; )

Yes Kurgan, if you have seen the Darth Vader skin please put a thread to where you can download it?? I have looked also and cannot find it. You say Noboby pays attention anymore, think again.

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