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Dedicated Server - Is it possible to create one for Galactic battleground


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Hi, I have a spare PC with both windows and Linux installed which i use for dedicated servers for games on my LAN.


It unfortunatly looks like i can not start up a dedicated server for Galactic battlegrounds. I have scourged the net & harrassed Lucas Arts tech support who refered me to here. The did not confirm if it was possible.


Does anyone know if it is possible to start up a dedicated server and if so how to do it?


Many thanks in advance for your replies.

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  • 1 year later...

I don't really think you can.


If you're thinking of Dedicated server like JO or JA, no I don't think it has that.


But what you could do is start up a game with your spare computer and set player one as Computer or something, or write some programming to be able to run the game remotely...


I think I know which I would choose.

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