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999 ping!!! Please help!!!


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If it's during map loads, there are a couple possible reasons. One is that you are loading a custom map that the player doesn't have. Even if you have sv_allowDownload on, the player might decide not to wait and disconnect. Make sure you state in the server name that you have custom maps installed and include where to get them in the motd if you have any stock maps running.


The second reason is called "server command overflow". This tends to affect modem users more than others, but nobody is immune. Every now and then during a map change, there's a flood of data that goes out and some clients just decide not to deal with it well. This is a problem with several Q3 based games, including RtCW--there has not been a fix released yet. There was a mod for Q3 that fixed the problem, but I haven't seen a version of it for RtCW yet. Once the mod community gets going, someone might take it as a project to fix.

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