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Which IP for ded. Server (Linux)


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Unless the server itself has multiple ip's, you don't to set net_ip to anything. It will default to your internal ip and should go through NAT and out to the world. Just make sure you have the ports forwarded to the server including 28060-28062 and the game port. There have been a lot of problems with NAT and JK2 that aren't 100% resolved yet. I don't have the facility to test the problem out because my server is on a T1--although I just happen to have an RT314 at home myself. ;)

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Have you had people try to connect via ip? This is basically where most of the problems start. You need NAT to get the server ip to show up in the list as your external rather than internal ip address. Of course, there are some issues associated with that were it works for some people and not for others. One solution might be to convert your server into your router instead of using the NetGear. If you do that, you'll need 2 NIC's in the server and you'll need to make sure you add a +set net_ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to your command line telling the server which NIC to use. Given the trouble most people have going through NAT, I'd recommend the switch if you really want a dedicated server.

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