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I'd just like to say how totally impressed I am with the work I'm seeing.. I'm no superior computer artist or anything, but seeing the stuff that's being made here is making my jaw drop! You guys are really good at what your doing and I have never seen mods for any game looking this nice. Keep up the excellent work! :) :) :)

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actually the reason things are looking better than they have for other games is because of the higher polycount/texture size. While Jk2 stuff looks good, all this is running on a suped up quake 3 engine. Just wait for Unreal 2 or Doom 3 for truly impressive mods/modsl/skins.

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*throws a tantrum, and tears out her hair* I don't WANNA have to buy a GeForce3 or 4 to be able to run Halo when it comes out, or Doom 3, or Quake 4, and ESPECIALLY not UNREAL 2!!! I have a GeForce2 MX/400 and it runs just fine, and I want to be able to play Unreal 2 on it, and I want to be able to play it WELL! *pulls out more hair...bitches...whines...er...um...straightens T-shirt and jeans...and calms down*

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