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2 questions.


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First, is it possible to rescale textures and make them bigger/smaller?

And second, say I want to set up a glass window where, once broken, you are sucked out, and then after that window is broken, if you approach the window, you are again sucked out. How would I go about this?

Thanks for your time. :)

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sounds like cloud city im not sure but maybe you could use a jump pad some how and yes you can rescale texture once aplied to a brush by seleting a sing;e face of teh brush and hitting S

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For texture resizing you need to select only the face of the brush you want to adjust the texture for. Use cntrl+shift to select the face you want and then press "s". This will bring up the Surface Inspector menu which will allow you to stretch the texture, shift the texture, and rotate the texture, as well as other options like "fit".

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